Here are some solutions that can help 


How to lose two or three pounds?

How to lose two or three pounds?

While this may seem surprising, it is often very difficult to lose a few kilos small well established. Advice Sabrina Julien, nutritionist, to eliminate them.

"This is no accident!"

Many women are not overweight but fail to get rid of some small kilos accumulated throughout life. What are they due?

Firstly, it is scientifically proven that you gain weight with age. Between 20 and 50 years, there is a weight gain of about 10 pounds. These are statistics, not inevitable! Those pounds are due to the stress of work, problems in life (bereavement, divorce, moves, etc..), But also the fact that women put into the background.

They manage the daily, to ensure that children receive a good education, caring family. They pay less attention to them and the pounds settle insidiously.

"The problem is the motivation"

Why is it so hard to lose?

These small kilos are not a strong enough motivation lever. It does not feel very good in your body but they are, after all, only two or three pounds! We said we will see later. The environment also plays a role in telling us that it is nothing that we do will still not be deprived of a good dinner for two extra pounds! The problem is therefore not physiological but about motivation.

Can we get rid of or is it irreparable?

Yes, of course we can! As the weight taken at menopause many women fail to lose weight at age 50, everything is possible! Often these few pounds are due to carelessness which is not even aware: to the age of menopause, the children have left home, we used to make dinner for four and continue. So we eat more.

" It 's about changing small everyday habits "

What attitudes and habits to adopt to eliminate them?

The base is to increase energy and / or reduce inputs and outputs . In the case of two or three pounds, it is the little things of everyday life that , in the long term affect . The calculation is simple: a piece of sugar per day is a pound a year, so 10 to 10 years , accumulated insidiously . We must therefore assume that we eat too much and that is enough to remove by little, from what we consider unnecessary .

 The first reflex , and easiest , is to stop eating when not hungry .

 Change a daily habit or two as not eating his lunch milk product because it is no longer hungry , or drink half a glass of orange juice in the morning rather than large, or delete the third slice bread in the morning.

 Drinking water , at least 1.5 liter per day. For hydration but also adopt a slimming gesture that accompanies us psychologically in the diet.

 Increase output again by small undemanding habits. Embark on a marathon is not sustainable over time. It is necessary that these activities are appropriate and we fall over time, in everyday life. Do not feel frustrated or that the effort is too hard. This can be to park a little further from home , take the stairs instead of the elevator whenever the opportunity presents down a subway station before .

"Do not expect to lose in 15 days. Instead, they will be lost over time "

 Finally, think about yourself , get back to the forefront ! Women are too selfish . Afford a massage from time to time , smearing body lotion . This also allows to observe the changes that these changes lead patterns on the body, which are not necessarily visible in terms of weight , but forms, tonicity .

How long can you expect to lose ?

There are no rules , everything depends on people. But these little pounds, the process can be long . These are small habits, so do not expect to lose in 15 days. However, these are pounds lost over time.
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