Here are some solutions that can help 


Improve your digestive comfort!

The gargoyle stomach belt size greenhouse, it feels heavy and bloated after every meal. Sometimes it's worse embarrassment becomes a real bellyache. Why not make the commitment to improve digestive comfort?

Bloating, heartburn, flatulence, constipation or diarrhea, stomach aches these compromise our well-being. But just take a few simple steps every day.

Chase the enemies of food digestion

Digestive comfort detoxCommencez by limiting the consumption of foods that can upset your digestion.
- Fatty foods (meats, cheeses, stews, pastries ...), spicy pickled or complicate and slow digestion;
- Foods that ferment (cabbage, onions, artichokes, beans ...) and sweet can cause bloating and flatulence;
- Starch and starchy (potatoes, rice, pasta ...) in large quantities tend to cause constipation;
- Alcohol is not recommended;
- Chewing gum can also help digestive disorders.

More fiber and probiotics for better transit

Be sure to eat at least 30 grams of fiber per day as they play the role of engine in digestion. You'll only find in plants:
- In fruits and vegetables, eat the skin if possible, cooked if your intestines are too fragile. The star all categories fiber materials: prune;
- In cereals (in its ideally) and legumes (peas, lentils ...);
To easily reach your "fiber quota" replace the juice in the morning with a whole fruit and white bread with whole grain bread. Be careful not to do too much, excess fibers may irritate the digestive system.
You can, if necessary (after the holidays, for example) to use simple and effective tips:
- Herbal teas, herbal supplements and herbal known for their digestive properties: fennel, anise, mint, licorice, coriander, cumin, dandelion, burdock, anise, lemon balm, cassis.
- Organic carbon (granules or capsules) helps reduce excess air in the stomach, while the quiet clay gastric acidity.
- The rich mineral water as bicarbonates or St. Celestine Vichy Yorre mitigate the acidity of the stomach.
- Some probiotics (Bifidobacterium animalis DN-173 010, Lactobacillus delbrueckii bulgaricus, Streptococcus salivarius thermophilus ...) promote good transit by acting on the intestinal flora. They are present for example in yoghurt, fermented milks, some soy derivatives ... They are also available as dietary supplements.
- Alternative medicine: aromatherapy, reflexology, acupuncture, shiatsu, yoga ...

A healthy lifestyle for digestion

Digestive comfort requires a healthy lifestyle.
- Drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day. The easiest way to succeed: drink when thirst arises. Needless to prohibit water during meals, this leads most of the time to dehydrate;
-Eat three meals a day at regular hours, sitting in the quiet and if possible for at least 20 minutes;
-Take time to chew before swallowing;
-Avoid wearing tight clothes that compress the abdomen;
-Limit anti-inflammatory drugs and aspirin;
-Perform regular physical activity;
-Reducing tobacco consumption;
-Managing stress.

                                                                Good Luck To All !!!

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