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Want to Enjoy Benefits of High Fiber Food? You Will Get Lots of Gas

Today, there is a wealth of knowledge to a healthy diet. Knowledge about healthy and unhealthy foods is widespread what is a high fiber food. We can not all be eating healthy, but certainly know a lot about what really should eat what is a high fiber food.

Among the various types of healthy foods rich in fiber is a very important class. We've probably heard that one of the important ingredients missing in our daily diet is fiber what is a high fiber food. Typical Western diet devoid of fiber food with fiber list.

The typical diet is high in protein food with fiber list, saturated fats and simple carbohydrates. But it is usually very low in fiber and most of us do not get enough fiber in our diet food with fiber list.

But this situation changed rapidly food with fiber list. We started to eat more foods containing fiber. Examples are some vegetables, beans, lentils and some high-fiber cereals containing lists food with fiber list. Even many snacks are available in fiber-rich varieties today. Our diet is changing to accommodate the need for more fiber food with fiber list.

Fiber has many health benefits food with fiber list. Most of us are aware of their ability to relieve constipation. Fiber Health Benefits go far beyond constipation food with fiber list.

The fibers also help lower bad cholesterol. It helps control the level of blood sugar and support healthy body weight food with fiber list. You can even reduce high blood pressure food with fiber list.

Perhaps the greatest benefit of fiber is that it helps reduce the risk of colon cancer by normalizing the saddle and promote intestinal health. Given these advantages food with fiber list, it's no wonder we all want and we must increase our fiber intake food with fiber list.

But there is an immediate disadvantage to fiber intake food with fiber list. In light of all the great health benefits, can be considered as a minor annoyance food with fiber list, but there is a downside to eating fiber food with fiber list.

As may know food with fiber list, the fiber is not digested in the small intestine. The fiber is usually fermented in the large intestine by bacterial colonies there food with fiber list. Always creates fermentation gas as a byproduct. Fiber digestion fermentation gas inevitably causes.

How much gas is created and thus creating  food with fiber list the type of gas depends on several factors like the type of fiber that have been consumed and the type of bacteria in the large intestine.

Most of the time we see increased food with fiber list gas when we eat foods like beans or cabbage family vegetables food with fiber list. And this gas has not increased really a problem for us.

But many times, increased gas can cause discomfort food with fiber list, swelling and pain in the abdomen. Large amounts of gas may cause some discomfort for us.

The gas produced during fermentation makes its way out of our body. We called flatulence. Escaping gas may be odorless and can not do during his escape. In this case, flatulence is not a problem at all food with fiber list.

However food with fiber list, the smell and the noise of the gas are extremely difficult to control. Could be bad and can make a great noise food with fiber list. This could lead to a very embarrassing situation. Because we live and work in relatively dense environments can cause flatulence getting embarrassing situations for us food with fiber list, once we start ramping up your fiber intake.

If you were living and working in the most open of the zones best food with fiber, not a big problem best food with fiber. For example, people in the woods or open rural life may not have much to worry about. Similarly best food with fiber, in some workplaces that flexibility to move so that you do not have to be stuck with people most of the time best food with fiber. An example would be the construction.

Most of us live in densely populated urban areas where we are surrounded by people most of the time best food with fiber. We work in small cabins close. Smelly Flatulence is a particular problem for us.

This poses a dilemma. On one hand, we'd really like to eat healthy food with more fiber, because of the enormous health benefits. But it will always cause gas and possibly discomfort and embarrassment.

Somehow this phenomenon reinforces the idea that nothing is free best food with fiber. You may think that eating large amounts of foods rich in fiber will help you get multiple benefits such as reduced risk of colon cancer best food with fiber, reduce cholesterol, high levels of blood sugar and weight gain.

Not so easy. These benefits come with many best food with fiber troublesome gases and flatulence.

Again, this is not an argument for not eating foods rich in fiber. The benefits of fiber are priceless best food with fiber. Who would not want to reduce the risk of colon cancer. It would be folly to prevent fiber only to prevent gas.

It's just that we must be aware of the effects of consumption of foods rich in fiber. Not occur with gas fiber foods.

There are some steps you can take to reduce the amount of gas produced. By carefully choosing certain foods and prepare them for appropriate facilities consumed raw.

Also, certain types of fibers best food with fiber, which are fermented in the large intestine, which means that no gas and still provides the benefits of fiber. You can choose to eat more of these foods.

Each human being is unique best food with fiber, and what works for one may not work for others.

There is a catch one forty situations best food with fiber. Depending on the amount of flatulence as can tolerate severe dilemma may be or may not be a dilemma at all.

There are ways you can get many benefits of fiber without much discomfort and side effects best food with fiber. If you're interested, you can follow the link below for more information.

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