Here are some solutions that can help 


The final day slimming home...

The final day slimming home
Try our weight loss program to remove all heaviness and lose weight without feeling any sense of deprivation.

You woke up with the feeling of being heavy and ballonée? Do not despair: the slimming solution for you there! The following program includes activities that will lose a bit of weight and you reconcile with yourself, even if you do follow for 24 hours.

When you wake up, pay attention to how you hold yourself, move, and think about your physical appearance. If you mentally represent larger and more slender, you'll be surprised how much you feel better already.

If you have decided to lose weight, remember that your body needs fat tissue and muscles to function. By nature, women have more fat than men. This is because they are designed to bear children. Being thin does not mean being skinny, and is first to feel good in your body. Calculate your ideal weight for your height and your body, and try to get close as possible. If you follow this program for several days, you will be rewarded with a smoother silhouette, you'll have a better picture of yourself and you will déculpé energy.

Morning activities

1. Alarm clock

After taking a shower, put on loose, comfortable clothing (they will help you feel slimmer). Drink a cup of warm water and add a few drops of lemon juice is a natural antiseptic. The thinning process in releasing the body of waste that must be eliminated, drink hot water every 2 hours.

2. Meditation

Before and after your 20 minutes of meditation, represent yourself as you will be when you reach your ideal weight. Serenity provided by meditation will allow you to better focus on a new image of yourself, you will represent thinner and lighter, which will encourage you in your efforts.

3. Exercise

Your mind is calmed and entered the goal of the day, it is time you spend physically. Sautillez on site for a few minutes. This exercise will make you sweat and eliminate water that clogs your tissues. However, avoid too hard surfaces can damage your joints.

Activities in the afternoon

1. Eat a light meal

Nothing like a light meal to feel - even before it became a reality - to be slight. The golden rules of diet is to avoid eating too much fat and too copiously. Eating should always be a pleasure, not an obligation. If the food is poorly assimilated, tissues are responsible for fat. Fats, oils, butter and fatty meat inevitably lead to fat overload. Eat a vegetable soup and finish with an infusion of parsley, boil a few sprigs of fresh parsley in 300 ml of mineral water for about 5 minutes.

2. Exercise and Calories

It is important to exercise. An aerobics session, a minimum of 20 minutes, increases the heart rate. One hour of aerobics can burn about 200 calories - the equivalent of a whole wheat muffin.

Evening activities

1. Fried thin

Improper food preparation can make high calorie food as diet. The steaming or pan with very little fat, is an excellent solution that preserves the nutritional value of food. To prepare your dinner, pour a little water in a pan to cover the bottom. When the water begins to boil, add 1 teaspoon of olive oil. Take the pan the chopped vegetables, a little salt and a pinch of herbs. Cover and simmer until the water has evaporated and the oil is fragrant food.

2. Walk more and eat less

After dinner, take a little walk for about twenty minutes. While walking, visualize yourself thinner. Fresh air will boost your metabolism, which will help you lose weight. Do not hesitate to think outside the box: a good walk in the countryside, far from home and any tempting food store, is the best antidote against smaller appetites. Remember to breathe deeply throughout your walk.

3. A useful mental image

Mental representation can be a valuable aid in the slimming process. Use it to eliminate thought your extra pounds, and your cells will follow. Sit back and close your eyes. Imagine thinner trying to accomplish your daily tasks. Feel your waist and refine your bust grow. Keep this image in mind for 10 minutes. Make it reappear several times during the day, focusing on for about 5 minutes.

4. Bath and massage

Before you go to bed, soak in a warm bath, scented with essential oils. Keep in mind with positive thoughts and fill your olfactory senses (closely related to your sense of taste) breathing a lavender, orange, lemon or geranium. Then treat yourself to a massage to relax your nerves and relieve congested tissue and saturated fat. Massaging itself provides a soothing sensation of body and mind. Meditate for 15 minutes and you will sleep a restful sleep, without feeling the need to get up in the middle of the night to munch this little snack fatal to your line.

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