Studies prove it: keep a food journal really helps to lose weight. Download and print the food diary of Best Health and follow the four steps below to complete.
Scientific studies show: keep a food journal really helps to lose weight. Why? "Basically, we know that the simple act of writing helps people make changes in their habits and stick to it," says Dr. Colleen Cannon, a clinical psychologist in Calgary and co-founder of Craving Change, program to help people understand the emotional aspects of food: "Thus, we become more aware of when and how we eat." We asked Dr. Jack Hollis, principal investigator for the Kaiser Permanent Center for Health Research Portland (Oregon) and lead investigator of a recent study on the food diary, he communicates to us his tips for making the most useful tool.
1. Tell him
It's good to write down what you eat, but you will come to a better understanding of what should be adequate portions also noting the amount you take and how many calories you eat. Make your log entries immediately after eating, whether it be a meal or snack, rather than the end of the day, the information will be more accurate. The Dr. Cannon also advised to write down your emotions when you eat as well as where you do it, just to better understand the problematic aspects of your relationship with food.
2. Contact your notes
To stay motivated, once a week, share your notes with a family member, friend or other person to the plan.
3. Be practical mind
Admittedly, to include everything we eat, drink and nibbles can be tedious, so find a method that fits into your lifestyle, for example, you could send your notes via text message or email, or keep it permanently on a small notebook. Better yet, download and print the food diary of Best Health, you can fill it at any time even when you're in a hurry. Keep the pages as in a ring binder.
4. Think long-term
Often people stop holding their newspaper when they begin to lose weight. If the pounds back, take your food diary to get your program on track.
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