The fibers are little known, yet all have different and complementary strengths. Their common?
They are not digested or partially sheltered by the flora in our digestive tract and are low in calories. Consumption in adequate quantities is associated with the reduction of certain disorders related to food, such as slowing of transit.
what is high fiber food- the importance of fiber
The role of fiber
All the fibers do not have the same effect on our body. While it is recommended to consume 25 to 30 g per day *, and if all are needed as part of a balanced diet, some will be more help than others depending on the desired effect.
There are 2 main types of fiber: soluble and insoluble fiber.
Insoluble fiber (found especially in wheat bran and rye) are indissoluble in water, as their name suggests. In contact with water, they swell up and increase the volume or weight of the food bowl and accelerate its movement in the digestive system. It thus helps to better digestion.
As the soluble fiber (found in fruits and vegetables, oat bran and legumes), they form a gel-like substance in water which not only increase the volume of intestinal contents, but also it give a soft consistency which facilitates intestinal transit.
what is high fiber food- the importance of fiber
The benefits of fiber wheat bran
Fiber wheat bran, what is it?
Wheat bran, cereal envelope, consists essentially of fibers will have a positive effect on transit. They help to accelerate intestinal transit time, from a consumption of 10 g per day in single or divided doses. It also helps to increase stool volume.
It must therefore be sure to drink enough water (1.5 liters per day) to help circulate properly!
what is high fiber food- the importance of fiber
What does the new range of All-Bran?
Partner of women in the management of their inner well-being in everyday life, the All-Bran ® contain fiber wheat bran that are recognized for their beneficial effects on intestinal transit.
All-Bran ® range contributes significantly to the amount of fiber wheat bran required to act on transit.
- 1 serving of 45g All-Bran Nuggets Nature covers 40% of the recommended daily amount to influence the transit time
- 1 serving of 45g All-Bran Chocolate Chips covers 35%
- 1 single serving of 40g All-Bran Fibre Plus covers 100%
Good Luck To All !!!!
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