Here are some solutions that can help 


psychosocial Treatments- bipolaire test

Psychosocial treatments include psychoeducation, psychotherapy, support groups and rehabilitation.  


Psychoeducation refers to the education about mental illness. All new patients should receive psychoeducation. It could also be useful for them to receive from time to time throughout their illness. Psychoeducation involves teaching the causes of the disease, how to treat it, how to manage it to some extent and how to prevent future episodes.


The term " psychotherapy " is a general term that is used to describe a form of treatment based on exchanges with a therapist. It aims to relieve the patient by allowing him to discuss and express their emotions , helping to change attitudes , behaviors and habits that could be harmful to him and showing him how to deal with the problems of life more timely and constructive .

For psychotherapy to be successful, a trust relationship must be established between the patient and the therapist. Doctors, social workers , psychologists and other mental health professionals receive training on different types of psychotherapy. They can be found in hospitals, clinics and private practices .

There are many models of psychotherapy , which is divided into two general categories , structured short-term psychotherapy and long-term psychotherapy . The short-term therapy focuses on a specific aspect . The therapist actively directs its course . The treatment requires an average of 10 to 20 sessions . In the long-term therapy , the therapist plays a less active role , and the treatment, which usually requires a year or more , is less structured . It aims to help the patient find himself the answers he seeks.

Psychotherapy is very useful. However, in the context of bipolar disorder, it is only an adjunct to medication and can not replace it. All patients should receive supportive treatment including not only medication to relieve their symptoms , but also a therapy to help them cope with the problems that they face as people with bipolar disorder. Supportive therapy consists mainly of practical advice and emotional support .

Cognitive -behavioral therapy

Cognitive behavioral therapy is an example of short-term structured psychotherapy that is effective in the treatment of many other disorders. It is based on the principle that deep thoughts or beliefs influence the opinion that one has of oneself and his vision of the world, as well as mood and behavior. For example, a depressed person who is convinced that no treatment will be useful perhaps not the time to consult someone will.

In doing so, this person will probably feel worse. Cognitive behavioral therapy is to identify and change the way of thinking and improve mood and functioning. It is currently being tested in people with bipolar disorder. The early results are promising, this therapy is effective in preventing and treating episodes of depression.

psychodynamic therapy

Psychodynamic psychotherapy is an example of unstructured long term. It relieves the distress felt by the person helping to understand the underlying reasons for his behavior. This treatment is not designed specifically for bipolar disorder for which it can still be very useful. In getting to know the patients are better able to cope with their disease.

Group therapy

Traditionally, group therapy successfully combines support and psychoeducation. Cognitive therapy can also be conducted in groups, but it has not been tested with bipolar patients.
Family and marital therapy
Finally, family and marital therapy can be very useful for dealing with the problems that existed before the illness and which are exacerbated, or to deal with the issues raised as a result of the disease. However, therapy must take place at the right time. During an acute episode, the family or the spouse should receive the support and information. We must wait until the patient is stabilized before starting a family or marital therapy structured.

Self-help groups and support

Self-help and support groups can be very important in the treatment. A number of people with bipolar disorder can accept and understand, and to share their daily challenges in an environment where they feel safe and where they can get support. For this reason, the group usually establish close links. People who have recently received their diagnosis can benefit from the experience of others who have learned to use coping strategies to manage their disease. These groups are usually made through local chapters of the Mood Disorders Association


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New treatments against bipolar disorder, including "Alternative" Medicine

Among the new drugs used against bipolar disorder , many were designed as anticonvulsants to treat epilepsy . Most of them are currently undergoing clinical trials in bipolar patients. Carbamazepine and valproic acid , two mood stabilizers have been developed in this way .

More recently , lamotrigine ( Lamictal ) , a new anticonvulsant , has proved effective in the treatment of bipolar depression and useful for rapid cycling , and could become a widespread treatment. Gabapentin ( Neuroatim MD ) and topiramate ( Topamax ) are newer anticonvulsants have some utility in the treatment of bipolar disorder . However, no major study has yet been published about them.

It is helpful to ask your doctor information on new treatments against bipolar disorder. In some academic medical centers, it is also possible to participate in clinical trials of new treatments .

Remedies "natural" might also be of some use . They include fish oil and inosital , a type of sugar . However, in health food stores , the quality of these products is uneven. We can not recommend them because they have not been precisely formulated . In addition, little research has been done about them. St. John's wort has been extensively studied in the context of unipolar depression studies (without handles ) . However, its effectiveness against bipolar disorder has not been established.

ECT ( Electroconvulsive therapy )

Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) , formerly known as the " electric shock " is perhaps the most controversial treatment and the least understood of psychiatric treatment , especially because of the sensationalist and misleading portrait that has been in the media. In reality, it is a safe and very effective for depression and manic bipolar disorder treatment. It is sometimes used as maintenance therapy to prevent long-term relapse.


ECT involves administering a brief electrical stimulus to the surface of the brain through the scalp. This stimulus produces an epileptic-type convulsion , which usually lasts from 15 seconds to two minutes. A team consisting of a psychiatrist, an anesthesiologist and one or more nurses are present during processing.

 The patient receives an injection of anesthetic that briefly asleep for the duration of treatment. It is also a muscle relaxant administered intravenously to reduce the intensity of muscle spasms that accompany seizures and thus prevent injury. The patient is receiving oxygen , and monitors heart rate and blood pressure .

Although anesthesia lasts only a few minutes, the patient experiences drowsiness after treatment, and is resting or sleeping for about an hour .

Generally, treatment is carried out three times a week for three or four weeks , for a total of eight to 12 treatments . If it is a long-term maintenance treatment sessions can be spaced , for example, once a month . Processing continues until the patient and the doctor deem necessary. ECT is generally administered to hospitalized patients, but may also receive outpatient treatment.

side Effects

After ECT , patients may have a headache or jaw . A mild pain reliever such as acetaminophen ( Tylenol ) is sufficient in this case. It is usually a loss of memory for recent events or concentration problems (eg , patients forget what they ate for dinner the night before) , but these symptoms subside after a few weeks of treatment . Some patients report mild memory problems long after the treatment, but they are probably due to their depression .

ECT can be given bilaterally (the electric current is applied to both sides of the brain) or unilateral (on the right side of the brain ) . Although bilateral ECT causes a more severe memory impairment than unilateral ECT , it is relatively more efficient , this technique is usually preferred .

Electroconvulsive therapy in the treatment of bipolar disorder

ECT is the most effective and probably the fastest against severe depression treatment, it is particularly useful for highly agitated or suicidal patients or those with psychotic or catatonic symptoms . Some patients receive treatment at the beginning of an episode because of the urgency of their situation or particular symptoms they feel, while others prefer to use it only if various drugs were ineffective . ECT also helps to treat severe mania .
Although it is very effective to stop episodes of depression and mania, ECT provides benefits for a few weeks or months. Patients should generally start or continue taking mood stabilizers or other drugs after treatment. Maintenance treatment can be administered when medications have failed to prevent relapse or are not tolerated because of side effects.

Transcranial magnetic stimulation

Finally include transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS ) . It is a treatment that involves subjecting the brain with magnetic pulses . Trials are under way, but the effectiveness of this treatment has not yet been demonstrated.

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The main Treatments against bipolar disorder

bipolar test
Treatment of bipolar disorder may be biological (medication) or psychosocial ( psychotherapy , rehabilitation) . Often two types of treatment are necessary , but usually it starts with biological treatment to control symptoms .

biological treatments

Because bipolar disorder is a physical health problem , the main treatments are biological . They consist mainly of medications , but also treatments such as electroconvulsive therapy and phototherapy .


Two major classes of drugs are used against bipolar disorder : the mood and extra medications.


Mood stabilizers are medications that reduce abnormal mood swings . They can also prevent mood problems. The first and most studied of these is lithium , a natural salt that is used for 50 years. Lithium is still widely used in the treatment of bipolar disorder. Carbamazepine , a drug used primarily as an anticonvulsant in epilepsy , is prescribed from time to time . It was discovered psychorégulatrices its properties in the 1970s . Valproic acid (and its derivatives such as sodium valproate and divalproex sodium ) is another anticonvulsant that began using widely in the 1990s as a mood stabilizer .

 It is popular because many doctors believe it is used to treat a wide range of mood swings as lithium, while having fewer side effects .

However, new treatments are not necessarily better than the other because of their new single . For some patients , lithium remains the most effective treatment.

Ancillary drugs

The additional agents used to treat specific symptoms , such as depression, sleep problems , anxiety and psychotic symptoms. These include antidepressants, anxiolytics and antipsychotics , or " neuroleptics ." Often these drugs are prescribed for a short duration , unlike the mood .


Antidepressants are drugs that were employed initially to treat depression, and more recently discovered properties useful in treating anxiety disorders . The first antidepressant was discovered by chance. Thus, patients with tuberculosis in the 1950s were often treated with iproniazid , which was found the stimulating effect . Research led eventually to the creation of tricyclic antidepressants such as imipramine ( Tofranil ® ) and amitriptyiline ( Elavil ) . Fluoxetine ( Prozac ), the first "new" antidepressants, has been put on the market in the 1980s . At present , there are more than 40 antidepressants that are part of a variety of drug classes .

It is believed that antidepressants work by affecting the concentration of neurotransmitters in the brain , including serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine. Can prescribe antidepressants to people with bipolar disorder during depressive episodes , but be careful because they can trigger mania and frequent mood fluctuation (fast cycle).

Anxiolytics ( drugs against anxiety)

Anxiety is a common symptom of bipolar disorder. Sleep disorders are also very common during intense episodes. Benzodiazepines, a class of drugs ( the best known is the Valium ) has a mild sedative effect , are often prescribed , such as lorazepam ( Ativan ) and clonazepam ( Rivotril ) . The patient may take a short period without becoming addicted . Clonazepam is particularly useful for treating excess energy and insomnia typical of hypomania .

For more serious anxiety problems such as panic attacks , a type of psychotherapy called cognitive -behavioral therapy can be very beneficial. It may even be essential because the antidepressants that are sometimes used to treat anxiety disorders can cause manic episodes.


Antipsychotic drugs are commonly used in the treatment of bipolar disorder. They have a pronounced sedative effect , which helps to control manic symptoms and to treat psychotic symptoms. These symptoms may include delusions of grandeur or persecution and hallucinations. Conventional antipsychotics, such as haloperidol and loxapine may also prevent manic episodes, but their consumption over a long period can cause serious side effects such as tardive dyskinesia, a movement disorder .

Newer antipsychotics are also useful in the treatment of bipolar disorder. They include olanzapine ( Zyprexa ) , risperidone ( RisperdalMD ) , quetiapine ( SeroquelMD ) and clozapine ( ClozarilMD ) . The action of these new drugs may be similar to that of mood . Research is ongoing to determine if they can handle not only mania, but also depression, and prevent further episodes. These new drugs have fewer side effects than traditional antipsychotics .
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Stomach pain !!...

Stomach pain

The stomach aches are quite common. What diseases can hide behind this pain? In what circumstances should consult the doctor? Small dot on the stomach pain.

Epidemiology of stomach pain

Pain estomacLes stomach pains are very common. Women are more prone than men. A recent study conducted in nine countries showed that one in four suffers from cramps, associated or not with stomach problems.

Symptoms of stomach pain

Pain in the area just above the navel in the epigastric fossa (middle and upper parts of the abdomen), to cramping or burning. Sometimes, other symptoms are added to these: nausea, vomiting, acid reflux ...

Pain associated with diseases of the stomach

Abdominal pain have very different origins.

Gastroesophageal reflux disease: part of the passage of gastric contents into the esophagus.
 Symptoms: burning sensation behind the breastbone that is accentuated after eating, lying down or in a reclined position, acid regurgitation, which give a bitter taste in the mouth.

Peptic ulcer: An ulcer is a hole that forms when the lining of the digestive tract is destroyed by acidic digestive juices. Ulcers can form in the lining of the stomach (gastric ulcers), duodenum (first part of the small intestine) or the esophagus (the tube from the mouth to the stomach). Symptoms: Burning or throbbing pain starting from the stomach but may radiate into the belly. In general, the pain subsides after ingestion of food and reappears between meals or over night.

Gastritis: Inflammation of the lining of the stomach. Symptoms: heartburn, pain in the upper abdomen, often worse after eating. Sometimes, nausea, loss of appetite.

In which case your doctor?

blood in the stool;
vomiting blood;
weight loss;
pain during swallowing;
difficulty swallowing;
heartburn persists despite treatment recommended by the pharmacist

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The benefits of whole foods...

The benefits of whole foods

Bread, rice, pasta, flour ... we know they are better for your health when they are complete. And good news, all of these foods everyday exist both white version (refined) in brown version (complete). Is it really time to re-brand food "brown"? Elements of response.

Whole foods have not been shunned. Before the war, we used a lot of black bread and flour. But at the end of the conflict, the black bread has been likened to the period of deprivation and little by little, we went to a white flour, considered more luxurious. However, it seems that today, the nutritional value is stronger than the "aesthetic" considerations.

Differences between complete and refined food food

Since the end of World War II, manufacturers have become accustomed to refined grains. A technique that involves removing the husk of the grain, where the nutrients are. The refining is carried out by the principle of abrasion and removes the same time its brown color to the grain, the color of the sound. Why the bias? Because by removing all active substances of a seed (fiber, minerals, magnesium, vitamins), it becomes easier to store and keeps better.

But industrial time, people no longer need to store mass to prevent famines. And most importantly, by removing all trace elements, vitamins and fiber contained in grains, they find themselves impoverished and lose their nutritional value. Besides the body needs these vitamins and fiber to more easily assimilate these seeds. He finds himself having to dip into its own reserves.

However, if whole foods are richer and have a positive effect on our health, their "white" counterparts are not as dangerous, according to Brigitte Coudray, nutritionist, they should not be demonized. "There is no risk in itself to eat white food. But there is a real benefit to focus on whole grains."

The health benefits of whole foods

At a time when we tend to eat less fiber, consume whole foods can fill the gap. "A serving is a complete food and fine food, we will have more fiber, more vitamins B, more iron in the full version," continues the nutritionist.

The major benefit of fiber is that they promote satiety and "we are hungry as fast." A real asset slimming! But another great benefit of fibers is their impact on transit. They are a real help against constipation. After only a few days of a fiber-enriched diet, transit begins to regulate.

Moreover, "the fibers can also help lower cholesterol," says Brigitte Coudray. And even if whole grains are not the only foods contain iron, their contribution "can affect our energy."

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After the holidays, find the right rhythm!

The parties have upset your eating habits and maybe your transit? It is absolutely necessary to restore order in your body to start the year off right. So to be in top shape, follow our advice!

The festivities end, but you still have bloating and slow transit ... It is time to find good habits!

During Christmas Eve, the intestines are not the party!

DetoxLes festivals are an essential opportunity to get together around good food. But it is also a revolution for our organization: we eat more, much richer dishes, often with more starchy and less vegetables and fiber. The rhythms are completely shifted: we spend more time at the table, we go to bed late ...

In addition, we put a little aside for physical activity. Result: our body is upset, and it shows first through our intestines. Transit is idle, you can have bloating ...

For the record, it is considered that there is no problem of transit if you go to the bathroom every 24 to 48 hours. Between 48 and 72 h, it is called slow transit and beyond constipation.

To restore order, we must find the right rhythm.

Eat at the right pace
Our gut has a real clock. To "resynchronize" must start by eating at set times. Avoid snacking anytime or skip a meal occasionally.

Similarly, when we eat, it is important not to hurry. So, take the time to eat slowly and chew. Because the act of swallowing too quickly causes problems including flatulence and bloating: one swallow air ...

But be careful, if we take the time to go to the table and toilet regularly and whenever the need is felt, no question too hang the toilet! Do not make a habit of reading to the bathroom for example. In fact, your gut immediately adopt the habit of hanging too ... and the slowing of transit follow!

Opt for good food

The contents of the plate is of course essential to reconnect with his transit. Eat a diet rich in fiber. You need to consume about 30 grams of fiber per day, or the French eat in just 15 to 20 g on average. This includes focus on fruits and vegetables (the famous 5 per day). But you can also opt for pulses complement (lentils, beans ...). Dried fruits and nuts or almonds are also helpful (a small handful as a snack, for example). Remember, whole grains, including whole wheat bread!

Several probiotics have shown an effect on the acceleration of intestinal transit, as Bifidobacterium animalis DN-173 010, Lactobacillus delbrueckii bulgaricus, Streptococcus salivarius thermophilus ... An effect that usually depends on the dose ingested probiotics. In this sense, several studies suggest a beneficial effect in people with constipation.

Finally, do not forget to drink about 1.5 liters of water per day.

The pace of physical activity

Reconnect with physical activity! Indeed, the fact of moving promotes transit. Walking or small training exercises are so good ways to work the muscles, especially in the abdomen. Muscle stress that affects ideal massage for transit.
The pace: it's 30 minutes a day of brisk walking, to eventually split throughout the day.

Stress the pace

With our lifestyles, it is the ongoing race. But stress has a direct effect on the intestine. It is directly responsible for a slowdown in transit. It is therefore essential to find a more sedate pace, taking the time to make a real break for lunch and try to spare more zen at the time of the day.

Also take the time to sleep, trying to sleep at set times. Good sleep habits are also important to the proper functioning of the digestive system.

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Improve your digestive comfort!

The gargoyle stomach belt size greenhouse, it feels heavy and bloated after every meal. Sometimes it's worse embarrassment becomes a real bellyache. Why not make the commitment to improve digestive comfort?

Bloating, heartburn, flatulence, constipation or diarrhea, stomach aches these compromise our well-being. But just take a few simple steps every day.

Chase the enemies of food digestion

Digestive comfort detoxCommencez by limiting the consumption of foods that can upset your digestion.
- Fatty foods (meats, cheeses, stews, pastries ...), spicy pickled or complicate and slow digestion;
- Foods that ferment (cabbage, onions, artichokes, beans ...) and sweet can cause bloating and flatulence;
- Starch and starchy (potatoes, rice, pasta ...) in large quantities tend to cause constipation;
- Alcohol is not recommended;
- Chewing gum can also help digestive disorders.

More fiber and probiotics for better transit

Be sure to eat at least 30 grams of fiber per day as they play the role of engine in digestion. You'll only find in plants:
- In fruits and vegetables, eat the skin if possible, cooked if your intestines are too fragile. The star all categories fiber materials: prune;
- In cereals (in its ideally) and legumes (peas, lentils ...);
To easily reach your "fiber quota" replace the juice in the morning with a whole fruit and white bread with whole grain bread. Be careful not to do too much, excess fibers may irritate the digestive system.
You can, if necessary (after the holidays, for example) to use simple and effective tips:
- Herbal teas, herbal supplements and herbal known for their digestive properties: fennel, anise, mint, licorice, coriander, cumin, dandelion, burdock, anise, lemon balm, cassis.
- Organic carbon (granules or capsules) helps reduce excess air in the stomach, while the quiet clay gastric acidity.
- The rich mineral water as bicarbonates or St. Celestine Vichy Yorre mitigate the acidity of the stomach.
- Some probiotics (Bifidobacterium animalis DN-173 010, Lactobacillus delbrueckii bulgaricus, Streptococcus salivarius thermophilus ...) promote good transit by acting on the intestinal flora. They are present for example in yoghurt, fermented milks, some soy derivatives ... They are also available as dietary supplements.
- Alternative medicine: aromatherapy, reflexology, acupuncture, shiatsu, yoga ...

A healthy lifestyle for digestion

Digestive comfort requires a healthy lifestyle.
- Drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day. The easiest way to succeed: drink when thirst arises. Needless to prohibit water during meals, this leads most of the time to dehydrate;
-Eat three meals a day at regular hours, sitting in the quiet and if possible for at least 20 minutes;
-Take time to chew before swallowing;
-Avoid wearing tight clothes that compress the abdomen;
-Limit anti-inflammatory drugs and aspirin;
-Perform regular physical activity;
-Reducing tobacco consumption;
-Managing stress.

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what is high fiber food what is high fiber food what is high fiber food what is high fiber food

Mediterranean diet: What if it was the fibers?

For years, the merits of the famous Mediterranean diet is praised. And virtues to the heart are attributed to antioxidants, including the famous red wine polyphenols, and the famous Omega 3 fish. But scientists may have gone wrong: the benefits would only be due to ... fiber! The secret is there in fruit?

Ah the famous virtues of the Mediterranean diet vaunted for its health qualities. But Spanish researchers wanted to check what foods are actually beneficial ...

Europeans eat everything except the Mediterranean!

Plan méditerranéenLes authors of the study start first from the observation that the Europeans, like Americans, have all but a Mediterranean diet! Although increasing, the olive oil consumption is low, for example. Thus, the primary source of monounsaturated fatty acids (which have no effect on the risk of cardiovascular disease) is red meat. The main source of alcohol is not wine but beer or stronger beverages. According to the authors, contributions in many vitamins and trace elements are, in some countries, higher by supplementation by the consumption of fruits and vegetables!

A study in Spain

Also, to know the effects of this diet, researchers have observed a population whose dietary habits were close to this ideal diet. They then studied a sample of the Spanish population, Europe's leading consumer of fruits and vegetables. For links between diet and cardiovascular problems, they observed patients in a hospital in Pamplona. They interviewed 171 Hispanic and having suffered a heart attack on their eating habits, then compared the results to a control group.

Fibers first!

And the results are rather surprising. According to the researchers, forget the famous antioxidants fish, olives, wine and other foods. They would not be the main responsible for a decrease in cardiac risk. The factor that seems essential to protect our heart, it is the fiber! Because according to research, those who ate the most had significantly lower risk of experiencing a heart attack.

Where lie the fibers?

The secret of a concrete core would take it in the famous fibers, already known to aid digestion and protect against certain cancers?

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what is high fiber food what is high fiber food what is high fiber food what is high fiber food
what is high fiber food 

The protective role of fiber in question

The protective role of fiber in question

Colon cancer is the first of its frequency. Its early detection depends on a better prognosis. Thus, we now foresee a mass screening. Its prevention is based on the lifestyle and dietary advice. 
Among these, the role of fiber now appears increasingly controversial.

Heredity plays an important role in the development of colon cancer. However, it was able to identify other risk factors such as physical inactivity and obesity. Thus, the exercise and the fight against overweight have a preventive action. About diet, has long recommended a diet rich in fiber.

Controversial effects

The effects of fibresIl is accepted long ago that a diet rich in fiber is a "good thing" that protects colon cancer. This assumption dates back to the early 1970s. In 19691, a missionary surgeon Denis Burkitt noted that rural Africans have much less colon cancer than Westerners. But since then, many studies have examined the relationship between fiber and colon cancer, and the least we can say is that their conclusions are at least discordant ...

First challenge of importance, study2 food habits 88,000 women over 16 years! After their investigation, the authors found no preventive effect of fiber vis-à-vis the development of colorectal cancer or polyps. Finally in 2000, two studies3, 4 on diets and supplements rich in fiber could not establish protective properties ... When the prestigious journal The Lancet published a article5 assigning fiber a deleterious role in the recurrence of colorectal adenomas, we do not know what to believe!

No one but the fibers

Containing all the published studies on the subject, Professor Goodlad6 tries to enlighten us. According to him, several factors may explain the conflicting results of recent years. First, the term "fiber" appears too general, there is not a single fiber but different kinds each with a different action in the colon. In addition to this oversimplification, the author stresses that sometimes studies are conducted around a high-fiber diet now on taking dietary supplements containing fibers. This confusion makes obsolete many results on the subject and emphasizes the need for new, more precise studies.

In conclusion, the author points out that a balanced diet, engaging in physical exercise and the fight against obesity is very important. Finally, in the context of the prevention of colon cancer, it recommends a diet rich in fiber, but from food, especially fruits and vegetables. These natural fibers are good for what they contain, but also for what they do not contain: fat and excess calories.

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what is high fiber food what is high fiber food  

Add fiber to your menu!

Fiber intake was at the beginning of the century on the order of 20 to 30 g per day per person. Today, it is between 15 and 20 g. This decrease results from the change in our eating habits: less bread, less grain, more meat and dairy products. The refining of flour has also contributed to the decrease. How to increase your fiber intake?

The fibers are among the key elements in our body. Their mechanical function allows a perfect functioning of our "gut pipe" and thus ensures the evacuation of waste digestion.

The fibers are therefore a necessity. For this, nothing more simple, just regularly consume vegetable products every day.

Increase your fiber intake

An intake of 30 g of fiber per day is easily achieved by consuming particular:
150 to 200 g of cooked green vegetables (one portion with the main course).
150 to 200 g of raw vegetables (two vegetables).
150 to 200 g of fruit (berries or 2 large).
Top it off with cereals and legumes (lentils, peas ...).
In some fragile, because of the risk of flatulence people, it is best to eat cooked greens whose fibers are easier to digest and take care to cook pulses.

what is high fiber food what is high fiber food  what is high fiber food what is high fiber food
what is high fiber food

Lazy bowel? Think of fiber!

Obstipation, constipation. Far from being anecdotal, these widespread disorders affect one in two women and one in three in France. The solutions are simple: drink water, sports and of course eat more fiber!

The fibers alimentairesMême if it gets little, constipation is a common condition that should not be taken lightly. There are actually two types of constipation. The first is the spastic constipation can be caused by a blockage of the large intestine. Intestinal contractions exist but the bolus can not progress to the "exit". The diagnosis is based on a radiograph of the abdomen.
The second type is the "flabby" constipation. This is far the most frequent. It is linked to a lack of muscle tone. Related to inadequate fiber intake and lack of physical activity.

Hydrate before any

When the diet is low in fiber and low hydrated mass digested food gradually loses its water. It becomes more and more compact and hard making it difficult transit: gut "hangs"!
Proper hydration of the intestinal contents is therefore essential to ensure a smooth transit. This helps soften the stool and thus facilitate the work of the colon that can advance food "painless". It is therefore imperative to drink 1.5 liters of fluid per day (still and sparkling water, coffee, tea ...) and eat foods like fruits and vegetables that naturally contain a lot of water.

The importance of fiber

The role of fiber in the intestinal tract is twofold. It depends on their solubility:
Insoluble fibers are unique to absorb water like a sponge and thus form a large mass that falls more easily along the intestine. The activity of these fibers is totally dependent on the moisture supply.
Soluble fiber increases the bacterial activity in the colon. Degradation by bacteria produces substances that can stimulate contractions of the intestine, thus allowing the bowel movement.
Do not stay without moving!
Lack of physical activity is also a cause of intestinal laziness. Immobility and any worsening constipation. Being bedridden, to sit all day helps accentuate a slower transit.
It is therefore necessary to make every day a little bit of walking and have a weekly regular physical activity.

A varied diet

All plant products naturally contain dietary fiber, more or less quantity. Therefore unnecessary to use products that fiber intake was increased artificially immediately.

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what is high fiber food what is high fiber food

You said fiber?

what is high fiber food
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what is high fiber food
what is high fiber food
The fibers are plant-derived substances essential for the functioning of the intestine. There are two types: soluble and insoluble, which do not have exactly the same characteristics. What are their properties? How do they improve transit?

The fibers are compounds that mainly found in plants. They are classified according to their solubility in water. There are thus two types: soluble fiber (pectins, gums and mucilages) and insoluble fiber (cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin). Both categories have different interests, which is why it is important to consume one and the other regularly.

Soluble fiber

 Soluble fiber is found mostly in the heart of the plant. In the small intestine, the food waste collect on the soluble fiber and then be discharged from the body. In the colon, soluble fibers are attacked by bacteria. In contact with water, these fibers become viscous and thus promote the shift of residues. Oat bran, beans and citrus fruits are rich in soluble fiber.

Insoluble fiber

Insoluble fibers are usually part of the envelope of the plant. They are less easily attacked by bacteria and therefore ferment less. They have the particularity to fix water and power to very high swelling. They thus increase stool volume and accelerate intestinal transit by stimulating the movement of the digestive tract. Many foods contain insoluble fiber wheat bran, many fruits and vegetables such as cabbage, as well as breads and cereals.

Not too much should

The theory of interest dietary fiber back to the 70s. At that time, it was revealed that the populations of Asia, and especially in Africa, had fewer colorectal cancers than Western populations.
It was believed then that the amount of dietary fiber in the diet could explain this difference. However, the latest research shows that all is not so simple. A recent article in the prestigious journal The Lancet tells us that there is no certainty about the preventive role of fiber in the development of colorectal cancer. Caution is called for, particularly in regard to fiber supplementation of food products. However, such a varied and balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables diet remains the best guarantee to ensure an adequate intake of fiber.

Drink water!

We can overnight decide to spend a low-fiber diet to a diet. We must let the body time to adapt. Indeed, excessive and too rapid absorption of fibers can cause unpleasant and very uncomfortable digestive disorders. We must therefore be cautious and increase steadily quantities of bran fiber diet.
On the other hand, and this is absolutely fundamental, fiber needs water. Otherwise, they are ineffective. It is therefore necessary to drink 1 liter to 1.5 liters per day.
                                                                    Good Luck To All!!!!
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6 ways to sneak more fiber in your diet

what is high fiber food
Do you find it difficult to consume more fiber every day? Try these six tips to add more to your diet.

How to increase your fiber intake

You do not have to eat a whole bag or empty a box of apples to consume supplements your intake of fiber needed. "Add fiber in the diet is fairly easy," says dietitian Caryn J. Roll Montreal Nutrition. There are multiple ways to get more nutrients essential elements in your meals, according to Roll Tristaca Caldwell, a professor at Acadia University in Wolfville, Nova Scotia, and a dietitian Fueling with Food. Besides, you'd probably be surprised at the ease of adding fiber to your diet routine using these six tips.

1. Add fiber to your smoothies

With its creamy accents of a milkshake, most of us love a good smoothie, but find excuses for not doing at home. However, these drinks are a great way to add ingredients loaded fiber to your diet, and you only need a mixer. "Smoothies are a delicious, convenient, and healthy start to the day," said Caldwell. Add ingredients in the blender the night before and store in the refrigerator. The next morning, you just mix it all for a few seconds and lunch is served, she said. You can also add 1-2 tablespoons of wheat bran or oat drink to increase your fiber content, according to naturopath Natasha Turner.

2. Eat foods rich in fiber work

Some of them we quickly leave the house in the morning without eating anything. If this sounds like you, take foods rich in fiber to work. "The day before, empty milk in a bowl and sprinkle with cereal and dried fruit. This is an easy breakfast to eat while browsing through your emails in the morning. You can also pack a whole wheat bagel or bread can be toasted at the office, "says Caldwell, and garnish with peanut butter.

3. Opt for whole grain foods

Do you crave carbohydrates, more than any other type of food? You can increase your intake of fiber and whole grains and avoid white bread. "Say no to white bread, white rice, white pasta and the same, the white potatoes," says Roll. These foods tend to be more elaborate, and lower in fiber and healthy nutrients as whole grains. "Instead, add sweet potatoes to your diet. Switch to whole grain bread, whole wheat pasta and wild rice. If you like basmati rice, try whole wheat. Why not also try the whole wheat couscous? "She said. It's not everyone who likes strong flavors and different textures of whole grain foods, but there are ways to ease the transition. If your family is struggling to adapt to pasta or rice with whole grains, "cook half of whole grains with your regular choice until you get used to the difference between the two," said Caldwell.

4. Eat more fruits and vegetables

Leave the bags of chips and chocolate bars on the shelf and make the effort to buy your favorite fruits and vegetables. Put them in a bowl on your desk or on your coffee table to eat as a snack. You hate to cut fruit? Look for those that are already cut. Although they are more expensive, they are a better alternative to sugary snacks or pastries. "Fruits and vegetables contain fiber. Replace croissants and muffins by them, unless they are whole grain, "says Roll. Try replacing your morning juice with a piece of fresh fruit, equivalent to three grams of fiber. Some of them we are able to consume more raw than other vegetables. If this sounds like you, add them in the preparation of meals. "For more fiber, add pureed vegetables to soups to sauces and stews to your" suggests Caldwell.

5. Eat more beans

Beans are nutritious, easy to cook (dry or canned), and are a healthy and inexpensive way to improve your diet. "Beans, lentils and chickpeas are full of fiber and protein. Why not add a little grilled chicken or salmon salad?, "Says Roll. She suggested a chili cook meat with several red beans, and also opt for a lentil soup, rich in fiber and great taste.

6 Foods-Tips for More Fiber

Prebiotics: more than dietary fiber

The definition of dietary fiber has changed significantly. Intestinal physiology revealed the concept of prebiotics, expanded the concept of "food colic." Housed, fed, bleached, good microbes are enjoying their host ...

With tens of billions of souls, the intestinal flora digest almost everything. With the exception of lignin, any dietary fiber may be used as a substrate in the bacterial biomass, to varying degrees of fermentation. In one day, the colon swallows 40 to 100 g of fermentable material, divided between the main microbial species that inhabit it. There are some beneficial bacteria organic fertilizer necessary for their selective growth, including Lactobacillus spp. and Bifidobacterium spp. This is called prebiotic.


Several candidates jostling at the gate to claim a prebiotic effect, says Prof.. Nathalie Delzenne (UCL): inulin and oligofructose (fructooligosaccharides or FOS), but also the galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS) of breast milk, xylo-oligosaccharides, soybean oligosaccharides (raffinose, stachyose ) or certain types of resistant starches (bananas, potatoes, beans ...). However, several factors modulate the prebiotic effect. In the case of fructo-oligosaccharides, for example, long-chain (inulin) exert a stronger than short chains bifidogenic effect (oligofructose). Also noted that the increase in the number of "Bifidus" obtained with the FOS depends on the initial composition of the flora (it is much higher than the starting number is low). In other words, it could be that the health benefits are even greater for the digestive tracts containing little bifidus.

The colon Care

The modification of the colonic flora by prebiotics has a positive impact on their immediate environment, the colon. Thus, these nutrients colic may act favorably, both as a healthy mucosa epithelium altered. On a healthy gut says Prof. Delzenne, there is an increase in epithelial density and crypt depth, a significant increase in the absorption surface. Induced colitis in rats seems to be easier to repair in the presence of non-digestible oligosaccharides, as necrotizing enterocolitis in gnotobiotic quails (controlled, in this case with a decrease in Clostridia flora and increased bifidobacteria).
The metabolism of colonocytes also takes advantage of the secretory activity of "good" lactic acid bacteria. Butyrate, a short chain fatty acid produced by fermentation, has a trophic effect on the intestinal mucosa. However the most remarkable effect of this fatty acid occurs in cells (pre) neoplastic among others: detoxification, synthesis of markers of differentiation, inhibition of oncogenes, increased calcium absorption, stimulation of the GALT (Gut Associated Lymphoid Tissue) or induction of apoptosis.


"Prebiotics they warn colon cancer?
The question is asked and does not always answer. A European project, SYNCAN (for Synbiotics and cancer prevention in humans), aims to study the impact of the combination of prebiotics and probiotics (or synbiotics) on the incidence of colorectal cancer. It harnesses the energy of several European laboratories (7 countries, including Belgium) in all areas of research: studies in vitro, in vivo, clinical trials and intervention studies. Established in March 2000, the platform hopes to achieve in the short term on a European scale study in humans."

Feeding the colon to eat less?

Bifidobacteria and lactobacilli themselves have also anticarcinogenic potential via inhibition of certain enzymes (beta-glucuronidase, nitroreductases). Several studies are still needed, however, before we can say their antitumor potential. Research is also under way in areas such as irritable bowel, enteral nutrition and chronic inflammatory diseases, for which it has already raised the interest of some probiotics, and when one considers that prebiotics. Other promising effects of prebiotics are raising a new enthusiasm. They would influence, in animals, the endocrine function of the colon, by producing intestinal peptide satiety vocation (GLP-1, PYY) or orexigenic (ghrelin). The effect of "dietary fiber" on the regulation of appetite and satiety is a path that is accurate (and complicated) gradually ...

Want to Enjoy Benefits of High Fiber Food? You Will Get Lots of Gas

Today, there is a wealth of knowledge to a healthy diet. Knowledge about healthy and unhealthy foods is widespread what is a high fiber food. We can not all be eating healthy, but certainly know a lot about what really should eat what is a high fiber food.

Among the various types of healthy foods rich in fiber is a very important class. We've probably heard that one of the important ingredients missing in our daily diet is fiber what is a high fiber food. Typical Western diet devoid of fiber food with fiber list.

The typical diet is high in protein food with fiber list, saturated fats and simple carbohydrates. But it is usually very low in fiber and most of us do not get enough fiber in our diet food with fiber list.

But this situation changed rapidly food with fiber list. We started to eat more foods containing fiber. Examples are some vegetables, beans, lentils and some high-fiber cereals containing lists food with fiber list. Even many snacks are available in fiber-rich varieties today. Our diet is changing to accommodate the need for more fiber food with fiber list.

Fiber has many health benefits food with fiber list. Most of us are aware of their ability to relieve constipation. Fiber Health Benefits go far beyond constipation food with fiber list.

The fibers also help lower bad cholesterol. It helps control the level of blood sugar and support healthy body weight food with fiber list. You can even reduce high blood pressure food with fiber list.

Perhaps the greatest benefit of fiber is that it helps reduce the risk of colon cancer by normalizing the saddle and promote intestinal health. Given these advantages food with fiber list, it's no wonder we all want and we must increase our fiber intake food with fiber list.

But there is an immediate disadvantage to fiber intake food with fiber list. In light of all the great health benefits, can be considered as a minor annoyance food with fiber list, but there is a downside to eating fiber food with fiber list.

As may know food with fiber list, the fiber is not digested in the small intestine. The fiber is usually fermented in the large intestine by bacterial colonies there food with fiber list. Always creates fermentation gas as a byproduct. Fiber digestion fermentation gas inevitably causes.

How much gas is created and thus creating  food with fiber list the type of gas depends on several factors like the type of fiber that have been consumed and the type of bacteria in the large intestine.

Most of the time we see increased food with fiber list gas when we eat foods like beans or cabbage family vegetables food with fiber list. And this gas has not increased really a problem for us.

But many times, increased gas can cause discomfort food with fiber list, swelling and pain in the abdomen. Large amounts of gas may cause some discomfort for us.

The gas produced during fermentation makes its way out of our body. We called flatulence. Escaping gas may be odorless and can not do during his escape. In this case, flatulence is not a problem at all food with fiber list.

However food with fiber list, the smell and the noise of the gas are extremely difficult to control. Could be bad and can make a great noise food with fiber list. This could lead to a very embarrassing situation. Because we live and work in relatively dense environments can cause flatulence getting embarrassing situations for us food with fiber list, once we start ramping up your fiber intake.

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Most of us live in densely populated urban areas where we are surrounded by people most of the time best food with fiber. We work in small cabins close. Smelly Flatulence is a particular problem for us.

This poses a dilemma. On one hand, we'd really like to eat healthy food with more fiber, because of the enormous health benefits. But it will always cause gas and possibly discomfort and embarrassment.

Somehow this phenomenon reinforces the idea that nothing is free best food with fiber. You may think that eating large amounts of foods rich in fiber will help you get multiple benefits such as reduced risk of colon cancer best food with fiber, reduce cholesterol, high levels of blood sugar and weight gain.

Not so easy. These benefits come with many best food with fiber troublesome gases and flatulence.

Again, this is not an argument for not eating foods rich in fiber. The benefits of fiber are priceless best food with fiber. Who would not want to reduce the risk of colon cancer. It would be folly to prevent fiber only to prevent gas.

It's just that we must be aware of the effects of consumption of foods rich in fiber. Not occur with gas fiber foods.

There are some steps you can take to reduce the amount of gas produced. By carefully choosing certain foods and prepare them for appropriate facilities consumed raw.

Also, certain types of fibers best food with fiber, which are fermented in the large intestine, which means that no gas and still provides the benefits of fiber. You can choose to eat more of these foods.

Each human being is unique best food with fiber, and what works for one may not work for others.

There is a catch one forty situations best food with fiber. Depending on the amount of flatulence as can tolerate severe dilemma may be or may not be a dilemma at all.

There are ways you can get many benefits of fiber without much discomfort and side effects best food with fiber. If you're interested, you can follow the link below for more information.