Here are some solutions that can help 


Surgery to lose weight are they effective?..

Surgery to lose weight are they effective?
Can not lose weight and consider a more radical way? Here's what you need to know about the effectiveness of surgery.

Imagine that you spend an hour or two on the operating table and then return home (after one or two days of recovery) and undertake a program of weight loss, then you will lose 20-30 pounds more. You change the size of clothes, your energy and your mood will improve.

With bariatric surgery, it is possible. This intervention, we practice on obese people in order to make them lose weight, is generally effective, besides techniques are constantly improving.

However, it is important to understand the principles of this type of intervention, because expectations are high, probably too much. While surgery can significantly improve the health, it is the change it brings in the way of eating and the digestive process that we must attribute the cause. After surgery, you can not eat like you did before. The ability of your stomach is now restricted, you will need to take much smaller portions. Hence the importance to eat healthy foods.

Before anything else, read on to know the latest developments and controversies surrounding this surgical approach.

What are your choices?

In Canada, we use mainly two types of intervention. First, the gastric bypass, which involves reducing stomach size to that of a golf ball and connect it directly to the small intestine in order to reduce the absorption of calories. Secondly, the adjustable band gastroplasty: The surgeon stomach strap with an adjustable silicone ring to form a small pouch. Then it takes very little food to fill your appetite. This procedure is performed in patients with a BMI may not exceed 30, but who have one or more conditions.

Other possible interventions include the biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch, which shrinks the stomach and bypasses 60% of the small intestine, and the vertical gastrectomy, which reduces by 85% the size of the stomach.

What about liposuction?

Although this cosmetic surgery is popular (it is sucking the subcutaneous fat), it will remove a portion of the fat in certain areas of the body.

Moreover, as it does not involve a change in eating habits, the weight lost is usually resumes. Finally, it does not attack the fat that is deposited on the bodies which is the cause of many health problems. For these reasons and others, we did not used to treat obesity.

How much will it cost?

Some provinces may cover part of the costs associated with gastric bypass and gastroplasty ring. Private clinic, it will cost $ 16,000 or more, but you could get a financing plan. Explore the various options with your doctor or surgeon.

Are you a good candidate?

If your BMI is 30 or more, probably. However, this could change: researchers address currently on possible improvements that gastric bypass could bring in people whose BMI does not exceed 27. This new approach is not limited to weight loss alone, and it also has the effect of altering the action of digestive hormones that help regulate blood sugar, hence its name of "metabolic surgery".

How much weight will you lose?

According to Australian researchers who analyzed the results of 43 studies, the first year, you should lose 60-77% of your excess weight, provided to strictly follow your diet and exercise regularly. According to the authors of a large study, the differences we observed between the two types of intervention are canceled after 5 to 8 years.

Are there any side effects?

Yes. According to the results of a large study conducted at the University of New York, the complication rate stood at 9% for gastric and 24% for gastric bypass. The effects observed were either minors, for example fever, dehydration, nausea and vomiting, sometimes more serious, including infection, bleeding and accidents requiring further intervention.

The final day slimming home...

The final day slimming home
Try our weight loss program to remove all heaviness and lose weight without feeling any sense of deprivation.

You woke up with the feeling of being heavy and ballonée? Do not despair: the slimming solution for you there! The following program includes activities that will lose a bit of weight and you reconcile with yourself, even if you do follow for 24 hours.

When you wake up, pay attention to how you hold yourself, move, and think about your physical appearance. If you mentally represent larger and more slender, you'll be surprised how much you feel better already.

If you have decided to lose weight, remember that your body needs fat tissue and muscles to function. By nature, women have more fat than men. This is because they are designed to bear children. Being thin does not mean being skinny, and is first to feel good in your body. Calculate your ideal weight for your height and your body, and try to get close as possible. If you follow this program for several days, you will be rewarded with a smoother silhouette, you'll have a better picture of yourself and you will déculpé energy.

Morning activities

1. Alarm clock

After taking a shower, put on loose, comfortable clothing (they will help you feel slimmer). Drink a cup of warm water and add a few drops of lemon juice is a natural antiseptic. The thinning process in releasing the body of waste that must be eliminated, drink hot water every 2 hours.

2. Meditation

Before and after your 20 minutes of meditation, represent yourself as you will be when you reach your ideal weight. Serenity provided by meditation will allow you to better focus on a new image of yourself, you will represent thinner and lighter, which will encourage you in your efforts.

3. Exercise

Your mind is calmed and entered the goal of the day, it is time you spend physically. Sautillez on site for a few minutes. This exercise will make you sweat and eliminate water that clogs your tissues. However, avoid too hard surfaces can damage your joints.

Activities in the afternoon

1. Eat a light meal

Nothing like a light meal to feel - even before it became a reality - to be slight. The golden rules of diet is to avoid eating too much fat and too copiously. Eating should always be a pleasure, not an obligation. If the food is poorly assimilated, tissues are responsible for fat. Fats, oils, butter and fatty meat inevitably lead to fat overload. Eat a vegetable soup and finish with an infusion of parsley, boil a few sprigs of fresh parsley in 300 ml of mineral water for about 5 minutes.

2. Exercise and Calories

It is important to exercise. An aerobics session, a minimum of 20 minutes, increases the heart rate. One hour of aerobics can burn about 200 calories - the equivalent of a whole wheat muffin.

Evening activities

1. Fried thin

Improper food preparation can make high calorie food as diet. The steaming or pan with very little fat, is an excellent solution that preserves the nutritional value of food. To prepare your dinner, pour a little water in a pan to cover the bottom. When the water begins to boil, add 1 teaspoon of olive oil. Take the pan the chopped vegetables, a little salt and a pinch of herbs. Cover and simmer until the water has evaporated and the oil is fragrant food.

2. Walk more and eat less

After dinner, take a little walk for about twenty minutes. While walking, visualize yourself thinner. Fresh air will boost your metabolism, which will help you lose weight. Do not hesitate to think outside the box: a good walk in the countryside, far from home and any tempting food store, is the best antidote against smaller appetites. Remember to breathe deeply throughout your walk.

3. A useful mental image

Mental representation can be a valuable aid in the slimming process. Use it to eliminate thought your extra pounds, and your cells will follow. Sit back and close your eyes. Imagine thinner trying to accomplish your daily tasks. Feel your waist and refine your bust grow. Keep this image in mind for 10 minutes. Make it reappear several times during the day, focusing on for about 5 minutes.

4. Bath and massage

Before you go to bed, soak in a warm bath, scented with essential oils. Keep in mind with positive thoughts and fill your olfactory senses (closely related to your sense of taste) breathing a lavender, orange, lemon or geranium. Then treat yourself to a massage to relax your nerves and relieve congested tissue and saturated fat. Massaging itself provides a soothing sensation of body and mind. Meditate for 15 minutes and you will sleep a restful sleep, without feeling the need to get up in the middle of the night to munch this little snack fatal to your line.

4 incomparable holiday to lose weight...

4 incomparable holiday to lose weight
Tired of idle vacation? Lose weight, and eat like a gourmet treat you much trouble opting for one or the other of these vacation packages.

Active holidays

You go on vacation to relax on a beach? We are in 2012. And one of the biggest trends at the moment is to start to lose weight, to learn new eating habits and possibly take it easy in a spa. Here are eight destinations that receive a lot of praise for their help visitors to get into shape.

Destination: Coastal Trek Resort, central Vancouver Island, BC

What to expect: to walk a lot. Every day you will go hiking in the mountains in the center of Vancouver Island, on trails along lakes or dig into shady valleys, following the Alpine routes near rivers or streams. Also on the program, yoga classes or stretching for all skill levels sessions.

Included in the package: one week's accommodation at Coastal Trek Resort, three meals a day, hiking and yoga classes, two complete therapeutic massages, a healthy cooking demonstration and individual counseling sessions on diet.

Destination: The Goddess Garden Eco-Resort, Cahuita, Costa Rica

What to expect: the Zumba Fitness & Yoga Retreat, ready to practice dance, to pose, to stretch while living a tropical adventure.

Included in the package: six days and five nights at the Goddess Garden Eco-Resort, three health biologioque cooking meals, group excursions to the beaches and surrounding towns, a group ride to Cahuita National Park, beach party around a fire under the moon and more.

Destination: Red Mountain Resort, St. George, Utah

What to expect: a personalized fitness program to meet your specific needs, whether it is to lose weight, improve your athletic skills, reduce stress and regain energy.

Included in the package: seven days at Red Mountain Resort, a consultation on shaping an assessment of your metabolic profile of nutrition consultants, a personalized workout, courses and specialized activities, hiking daily in the mountains of Utah, a course on how to shop for groceries, a full body massage and use of all seasonal fitness equipment.

Destination: The Body Holiday LeSport, Castries, St. Lucia

What to expect: a variety of activities and rejuvenating treatments that will keep you busy from dawn to dusk. With an approach that includes lifestyle, diet and all forms of physical activity, The Body Holiday lets you set realistic goals that you can easily follow back home.

Included in the package: six nights and six days full board, lessons formatting and relaxation, spa treatment daily excluding the day of arrival and departure, golf lessons and tennis an assessment of your health and your physical condition, four personalized workouts, a consultation on your lifestyle, program formatting for home and much more.

4 tips for increase your calorie...

4 tips for increase your calorie
Whether it actually works, researchers Cooper Institute for Aerobics Research found that people who incorporated in their daily these small gestures, seemingly innocuous, got the same results as those who were 20 to 60 minutes of vigorous exercise five weekly.

 Moreover, according to researchers at Johns Hopkins University, 30 minutes a day is enough to yield results, as evidenced by the 4.5 kilos lost What the study subjects during the 16-week campaign , higher than that of any other group of which was three times per week aerobic loss.

1. You're standing, move your legs.

Whether you are in the shower, at the sink or in a queue, stretch your legs to strengthen them. Make circles with the ankles. Lift the legs alternately behind you to strengthen your glutes. Put yourself on tiptoe to work your calves. Do squat to solicit your hamstrings. Raise your knees alternately as high as possible. Just five minutes a day of this kind of exercises to activate your body and tone your muscles.

2. Make crafts.

Disconnect the remote control, the food processor, the electric toothbrush, snow blower and leaf blower. Experts believe that these devices, and many others deprive us of the few occasions that we are in a day we spend physically. Chop your vegetables by hand and pick up leaves with a rake. Together, all these little things add up.

3. Take active breaks of 5 minutes.

At the office, after completing a substantial task, wander through the corridors. These short activity breaks can refresh the mind and then return to work with renewed vigor. In fact, the study results indicate that we can not remain completely focused on one task for more than 30 minutes. Your short walks will help you burn calories and increase your productivity. Better yet, they replace the mindless snacking.

4. Tighten strong.

Keep a stress ball in the desk drawer and use it frequently to make your hands work. This is one of the few exercises that you can do almost without thinking. Not only do you burn calories and you will strengthen your hands, but you will eliminate your stress instantly. This accessory sells for about $ 7 in the sporting goods shops.

slimming you have not tried...

slimming you have not tried
1. Exercises balloon

The balloon is a very profitable source of exercise because its unstable surface forces you to involve more muscles to keep your balance. Thus the core muscles (abs and back) are covered as well as those subject to the exercise. For example, rather than stand up to perform upper body exercises, sit on the ball and do the same movements. The balloon is careful at home and there is a wide variety of DVDs to help you in your exercises.

2. Turn the camera off
We all want to know what will happen in CSI. But a study from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention agency concluded that people who spend four hours or more in front of their TV or computer were more exposed than others to fatten. In short, leave the screen and go through the door!

3. Give a new look to gluttony

"When we see food we like, we are terribly tempted to eat, says Dr. Alain Dagher, a neurologist attached to the Institute and the Montreal Neurological Hospital. Unfortunately, our instinct is to see in high-calorie foods a natural means of survival if food became scarce or difficult to find, "he says. To counter this survival reflex must multiply the force of attraction of the poor calorie foods finding their qualities.

4. Take a nap

In Japan, many people make every day a nap from 20 to 30 minutes, says James Maas, specializing in sleep research at Cornell University and author of Power Sleep. There is more and more evidence that chronic lack of sleep increases the risk of gaining weight. James Maas mentions two hormones, leptin, which helps the brain to know when we have eaten enough, and ghrelin, which stimulates appetite. However, the less you sleep, the more leptin levels are low and those high ghrelin. "Many people think they are hungry when they sleep, says James Maas and do not need to eat, but rather to sleep."

5. Eat more pickles

In Hungary, people eat pickles to lose weight. Hungarians like pickled dish, not just cucumbers but bell peppers, cabbage and tomatoes. All these foods can keep you thin, probably because of the vinegar with which they are prepared. It knows better than acetic acid, the basis of vinegar helps lower blood pressure, sugar levels in the blood and fat formation. But if you are watching your sodium intake, look good the label of these products: pickled foods may contain a lot of salt.

Weight and liabilities: same battle

Weight and liabilities: same battle
It was discovered during a recent study at the University of Ohio, that women who lost weight significantly enriched themselves at the same time. Here's what you can do to lose weight and save money.

1. Do your math

If maintaining a healthy weight is not required that simply eating apples and lettuce, will pay its debts do not ask us to win a big payday. Ability to manage its budget is relatively simple: spend less you win.

Ayala Farrell, who for decades had weight problems and debts, is absolutely convinced that the two are linked. She came to this conclusion when she was saving for a deposit on their first home after a year, she was the owner and had lost about 8 kg.

2. Motivate Yourself

Nutritionists, personal trainers and financial management advisors agree on one thing: they want to lose weight or save money, it is essential to have a clear objective.

According to Michael Burge, behavioral psychologist: "Whatever habit you looking to break, to motivate you should aim for a goal of great importance to you." Your chances of achieving this will be much higher if the benefits that you Discount strongly motivate you.

3. Determine your goal

Whether you're looking to lose a few pounds or more, saving to buy you a dress or to make a deposit on a house, you should always return to the first goal. The best way to do this is to write down the steps you need to take to get there. Peter Walsh, author of Does this Clutter Make My Butt Look Fat? (Simon & Schuster, $ 11.68) explains that if the book has been helpful to many people is that it emphasizes the need to formulate a purpose of clarity. "This is the most important step. If you manage to do so, you will have traveled half way. "

4. Looking for quality rather than quantity

You probably spend a lot of money to buy things you do not need. Take a tour of the army home garbage bags and put some objects that you never use. Make a garage sale, sell your items on eBay or give them to friends, family members or a charity. Then, resolve to limit your expenses your judgment and buy only the things you really want and that you will enjoy.

5. Give yourself the incentives

The psychologist Michael Burge recommends you "lecture" when you realize that you are sabotaging your own plans. But also to think positively: "Ask yourself whether the item or food product that you covet and you will be really useful if the decision you are about to take is the right one. And to ensure your long-term success, give yourself rewards or incentives weekly or monthly premiums. "

6. Less is better

As is the case with many things in life, the key to health and wealth is obvious and simple: spend less than you earn, and eat less than what you spend.

Slimming: 5 myths about fast food..

Slimming: 5 myths about fast food
Quick lunch maintaining a balanced diet is not always obvious. To help you make the right choice, here are 5 ideas reviewed and corrected.

All salads help stay slim

FALSE. The salads have the advantage of making you eat vegetables poor in calories but rich in vitamins and fiber. Until then, all is well. But the plot thickens to your hips when it comes to dressing ... And very often, salads to take away or sold are already seasoned with a sauce which can be difficult to know the content. However, this is time that the lipid salad soar. The situation worsens when mayonnaise or cheese are added to the salad. The fat intake then reached 30 grams per serving and is already more than a third of the rate of fat not to exceed per day for a woman. In contrast, a salad prepared at home, for your care, with a tablespoon of oil for dressing up brings only 10 grams of fat.

The sandwiches are fattening

FALSE. The sandwiches can be perfectly balanced express lunch if you accompany a dairy or fruit. For they are not too fat, choose the free mayonnaise and garnish with a poor fat: chicken, turkey, tuna ... Avoid Viennese bread and bread. Prefer bread, which is lower in calories and help you digest better thanks to its high fiber content.

To eat healthy, avoid prepared foods

TRUE. Prepared foods contain more of the salads "hidden fat". To avoid falling into the trap of excess calories, it would take time to study the packaging carefully and choose the less rich in fat and sodium dishes. But, as everyone knows, when the lunch break, time is running out before returning to the office and you never look at the packaging ... For example, a portion of 125g of cooked pasta contains about 20 grams of fat which is almost 150 more calories than a plate of pasta with a homemade sauce.
Finally, watch out for dishes that weigh less than 300 grams, they are generally not rich enough and must be accompanied by a small entrance (salad or soup) for the meal is balanced.

Eating fast makes you fat

TRUE. It takes twenty minutes to reach satiety to the brain when you eat. Therefore, "swallow" his sandwich in 10 minutes flat is cut hunger and gives the feeling of not having enough to eat. Result: you eat again and thus too.

The pizzas are fattening

FALSE. A basic bread dough, pizza is a fairly healthy dish, rich in carbohydrates. Provided avoid too calorie toppings like cheese or sausage, pizza has its place in a balanced meal as sandwich!

The quiches are less fat than pizza

FALSE. A puff pastry or broken rich butter pastry, quiches are much fatter than the pizzas are made from bread dough. So to keep the line, try to eat only once a week.

Plan: why you haven't lost anything this week!!

why you haven't lost anything this week
Sometimes, despite its good intentions, we just can not lose weight. Here are five reasons why, and some solutions to address them.
Any dieter is faced with this problem: after a week of arduous efforts, are mounted on the scale to realize that the needle has not moved one iota. Sometimes the reasons are obvious, for example if it was excess at a birthday party or skipped a few workouts, but often we do not know why we did not lose weight. Here are five possible reasons for this failure.

1. Your weight fluctuates during the day

It is normal weight fluctuates more or less a pound in a day. This is the case for everyone, not just dieters. To evaluate the effectiveness of a diet, so it is best to measure results over time. It certainly should not discourage you if you have not lost weight, and may have even won in the course of a day or a week. This blip will subside quickly.

To avoid weight fluctuations beyond your control, always weigh yourself at the same time and wear the same clothes. Ideally, you should do it in the morning before eating and dressing.

2. You are retaining water

If your period is approaching or have consumed a savory dinner dish, you could take a pound or 500 grams. In both cases, it is water retention. However, this not eliminated by your body water is added to your weight, giving you the feeling that your diet is not very effective.

To work around the problem, avoid salty foods and take the amount of liquids (no alcohol, though) recommended by experts, about two liters per day.

3. Your weight has reached a plateau

Current diet, weight can reach a plateau and does not change for a few weeks. Even if it is hard on morale, it is quite normal and does not mean that your efforts are useless.

Above all, do not give up! This is a temporary step and not a failure, relax and do not take it to heart too. Try to make some changes to your habits, for example by taking a healthy snack in the middle of the afternoon to avoid having appetite in heels at the end of your workday, or change your program physical exercise to make it a little more.

4. You forgot the little extras

When diets for some time, it is easy to fall into a certain complacency and vigilance is relaxed. You may have taken some bad habits: for example, you Spread a thick layer of butter on your toast, nibble while you cook or have a dessert every night. However, these little things can provide enough extra calories to keep you from losing weight.

To help you keep a food diary for a few days, which will help you stay aware of what you really eat. Researchers have shown that dieters who recorded everything they ate significantly increased their chances of success.

5. You are weighing on Monday

Maybe you do you normally weigh on Friday or Saturday. But this time, you are mounted on the scale on Monday, the worst day to do it. Most people eat more during weekends than on weekdays. Moreover, researchers from the School of Medicine at Washington University in St. Louis found that dieters lost weight during the week, but not during the weekend.

By planning your meals for the weekend ahead, you will put the odds in your favor and better resist the temptation also continue to monitor your portions, especially when eating out.

5 secrets to lose weight...

5 secrets to lose weight...
A board that works in real life

Diet, exercise programs, calorie counters, even natural products or diet pills, you have tried everything to try to lose that extra pounds, right? You are not alone! According to a recent survey conducted by Ipsos Reid on behalf of the Association of Dairy Farmers of Canada, 80% of Canadians want to lose weight and 58% feel forced to do so. They are not wrong: we know that overweight increases the risk of heart disease, diabetes, hypertension and other health problems. Thus, a scientific analysis published in the February 2008 issue of The Lancet has established a link between being overweight and 20 different cancers, including endometrial and gallbladder. Fortunately, it is easier than you might think to win the battle against the beads. Simply complete the meal after meal, the following tips, from research.

1. Take three dishes for lunch, one for dinner

The results of a study conducted in the United Kingdom from 6764 men and women aged 40 to 75 years have found that those who ingested their greatest amount of calories at breakfast gained less weight than others, regardless of their total caloric intake during the day. So it seems that breakfast is really the most important meal of the three.

2. Learn about all the choices and toppings menu

This is not because a sandwich menu has announced less than eight grams of fat than any other lodge in the same boat. We tend to put in the same basket every dish restaurants displaying a healthy menu, those of the Subway chain, for example, says Brian Wansink, PhD holder, director of the Food and Brand Lab at Cornell University and author of Mindless Eating: Why We Eat More Than We Think (Bantam). "But sauces, condiments, mayonnaise, all this adds to the calorie counts," he warns.

3. Ignore the salt

Researchers at the University of Helsinki have hypothesized that the tendency to obesity observed in the United States could be explained by the significant increase in salt intake, which in the mid 1980s and late 1990s, has in fact increased by 55%. According to them, the thirst caused by salt causes people to take amount of sugary drinks. Conclusion: to calm your thirst, drink water or soft drinks, and go easy on the salt.

4. Keep an accurate count of your calories

You will have a better estimate of the number of calories consumed if you hold the account of each of your meals and add mentally. To ensure that your estimate is correct, here's what Dr. Wansink advises: "Doubling the number you got." Terribly disturbing, right?

5. Eat more whole grains

According to a 2008 study at the University of Pennsylvania, fiber whole grains (oats, brown rice, wheat bread), not only help to maintain a healthy weight, but to limit the formation of abdominal fat as well as 'prevent inflammation of blood vessels and, therefore, reduce the risk of heart disease associated with it.

Food Journal...

 Food Journal
Studies prove it: keep a food journal really helps to lose weight. Download and print the food diary of Best Health and follow the four steps below to complete.

Scientific studies show: keep a food journal really helps to lose weight. Why? "Basically, we know that the simple act of writing helps people make changes in their habits and stick to it," says Dr. Colleen Cannon, a clinical psychologist in Calgary and co-founder of Craving Change, program to help people understand the emotional aspects of food: "Thus, we become more aware of when and how we eat." We asked Dr. Jack Hollis, principal investigator for the Kaiser Permanent Center for Health Research Portland (Oregon) and lead investigator of a recent study on the food diary, he communicates to us his tips for making the most useful tool.

1. Tell him

It's good to write down what you eat, but you will come to a better understanding of what should be adequate portions also noting the amount you take and how many calories you eat. Make your log entries immediately after eating, whether it be a meal or snack, rather than the end of the day, the information will be more accurate. The Dr. Cannon also advised to write down your emotions when you eat as well as where you do it, just to better understand the problematic aspects of your relationship with food.

2. Contact your notes

To stay motivated, once a week, share your notes with a family member, friend or other person to the plan.

3. Be practical mind

Admittedly, to include everything we eat, drink and nibbles can be tedious, so find a method that fits into your lifestyle, for example, you could send your notes via text message or email, or keep it permanently on a small notebook. Better yet, download and print the food diary of Best Health, you can fill it at any time even when you're in a hurry. Keep the pages as in a ring binder.

4. Think long-term

Often people stop holding their newspaper when they begin to lose weight. If the pounds back, take your food diary to get your program on track.

You need to lose weight?

You need to lose weight?
Rather than raise your index of guilt every time you step on the scale, you might want to ask if you need to lose weight. Nowadays, it seems that everyone wants to lose weight. A host of articles, programs and reality shows tell us what to do to get there. While nearly 60% of Canadians run the risk of suffering from various diseases due to their overweight and of obesity, it may not be your case. Here are four signs that could indicate that your weight is quite normal.

1. You don't know why you're dieting

"When my patients tell me they want to lose weight, I always ask them why," says Arya Sharma, MD, Director of Cardiovascular Obesity Research and Management at the University of Alberta. This is a question you should ask yourself if you are still in the plan. You need to lose weight because you are at risk for a disease such as diabetes or high blood pressure? If this is the case, your doctor will help you determine how much weight you need to lose to improve your health. By cons, if you want to slim down for the sole purpose of entering into a dress a size smaller then you must recognize that this has nothing to do with your health, says Dr. Sharma.

If you do not know why you are on a diet (and for many women, it does so usually is docked), consult your doctor. Thus, instead of following a diet without reason after another, you will maintain a healthy weight.

2. Your goal is unrealistic

Like it or not, we're not all dummies podium is essentially heredity that determine whether we will have the silhouette of a Naomi Campbell or Oprah Winfrey (two beautiful women, way). "Take two people in different genetic makeup, put them in a room and give them exactly the same amount of calories one gain weight, keep the other his. This is, genetics, "says Dr. Sharma.

Thousands of genes regulate body functions: metabolism, appetite, satiety, fat storage, etc.. Whatever you do to lose weight, "there is no guarantee that you can wear a size 0 day," says she.

Even if you were a fabulous slimming in your youth, it is not realistic to diet in order to wear your jeans high school. "If you're one of those women who insist on going into the clothes they wore in their teens or early twenties, then it is likely that you do not have to lose weight , "says Jessica Begg, dietician Vancouver. "Among teens and early twenties, it takes normally a kilo per year." Therefore, faded Levis refilez your your teenager and put more emphasis on maintaining a healthy weight for your age and your body type.

3. Looking to improve your image

According to the Canadian Network for Women's Health, nearly 90% of Canadian girls and women combined, do not like their appearance. Almost all we believe to be too big. However, it is necessary to distinguish between the need to lose weight for health reasons and need to lose weight in order to silence the incessant little voice that reminds us we are ugly and fat.

"The weight and the image of oneself are two completely different things, says Dr. Sharma. I a healthy weight? This is a question that can be answered easily. I weight beauty? That is a matter dictated by culture, specifically the fashion industry, and has nothing to do with healthy weight. "

It's time to do some self-criticism: ask yourself what drives you to be constantly regime. Are you satisfied with you when your doctor tells you that your health is excellent or not you are when you lose a few more pounds? "In the second case, I can assure you that this is not your health is at stake, but strictly your appearance," says Dr. Sharma.

If you feel good when you lose weight, maybe you should consider seeing a health care professional. "Eating disorders, said Jessica Begg, manifested primarily by the desire to lose some weight, then the person ends up losing all sense of proportion. All this seems to be triggered by a regime seemingly harmless. "

4. Your lifestyle is healthy

With all the emphasis on weight loss, we seem to forget sometimes that is not the only reason to adopt a healthy lifestyle. "If you eat right and exercise every day, you can be healthy even if you have some curves, says Arya Sharma. Most people gain weight throughout their lives without much of a problem for this side. Healthy weight allows a relatively large variation. "

Perhaps the results of your weigh-they put you in a bad mood, but keep in mind that the figures do not determine your health. According to Jessica Begg: "If there is no family history of illness in your family and your weight is stable for years, why would you suddenly lose weight? This makes no sense. " Therefore, if you do not see your weight fall sharply, do not blame your eating habits, rather store the scale in the closet for a while.

Weight loss: 5 steps to start a support group...

Weight loss: 5 steps to start a support group
It is easier to adopt a healthy lifestyle when you have support. Here are five easy steps to start your own group Literary clubs are now commonplace and support groups personal finances are gaining popularity, the principle being that the group, whatever it is, allows its members to achieve the goals they have more difficult to achieve alone. This is especially true when trying to lose weight, the moral support of a group that can greatly contribute to the success of the company. Stacey Segal, Toronto dietician offers advice here that will help you develop your own support group, without it costing you anything.

1. Recruit group members

Seek first to recruit people you know. "The family members with whom you have close relations and friends are certainly in the best position to understand and share your desire to adopt a healthier lifestyle," says Stacey Segal. You can also recruit colleagues who are fighting the same kind of existence you.
According to her, it is better to stick with a group of four to six people to facilitate planning. It also advises to focus on the willingness to adopt a healthy lifestyle rather than the number of pounds to lose. "Your common goal should be to take snacks and healthy and balanced meals, which you will lose weight and allow you to maintain a healthy weight, she says. The aim is to encourage and support each other and rejoice together victories of each member, as small as they are. "

2. Place the structure

Determine exactly the modus operandi of the group. The dietician recommends a meeting every two weeks, "which should give to each member of the group enough time between meetings to work on its objectives and to identify obstacles in its path." Because This is a very delicate subject, you probably want to hold meetings in private rather than public members could, for example, receive the group in turn. To brighten the meetings, it also suggests that each turn brings a healthy snack, such as whole wheat crackers with a filling of hummus, rice flour rolls stuffed with salad, nuts and berries, etc.. "Let yourself be inspired by each culinary creativity," she suggests.

3. Determine your goals

Do not set goals as they will not result in discouraging members of the group. Each of you should instead set a realistic objective, for example lose 4 pounds, reduce portions, etc.. Not only should each share these objectives with other members of the group, but it should also be noted in a diary, an important element of any good weight loss program. It should also be noted recurring problems encountered, such as cravings late afternoon, as the victories they won, to share with the group at a future meeting .
Group members should weigh and record their progress once a week. "Whenever possible, always use the same scale, advises dietician, and do not weigh yourself more than once a week. Weight fluctuates daily and it is quite normal, but these fluctuations are not at all representative of pounds that you really lost or gained. "

4. Call the experts

You can invite expert speakers to address the group, which will give members additional tools. "It is essential that you understand the role of food choices in your success or your failure," says Stacey Segal, who believes that the first expert to invite is a dietician. Invite as a professor of physical education, which will demystify the principles, sometimes obscure, which govern the various types of exercises. "Eating well is one of the elements of the weight loss and maintaining a healthy weight," she says.

5. Help you

If you have decided to set up or join a group is that you feel that would help you achieve your goals. Assistance is a must. Do not hesitate to share with the group your problems and little joys. Talk openly about your difficulties, advises Stacey Segal, because it is likely that another member of the group through exactly the same. "Try to find solutions to overcome them," she suggests.

If members are struggling to make good food choices or lack the motivation to go to the gym, ask them to share recipes and ideas simple exercises. "Set within the group a buddy system so that everyone can rely on another member, she can call out of meetings when they need support," said the dietician. Finally, keep in mind that the atmosphere makes for a lot: good mood and humor make things easier. And most importantly, do not miss an opportunity to celebrate each small victories each others.

Lose weight: why it doesn't always work?..

Lose weight: why it doesn't always work?
Sometimes, despite all its good intentions, we can not lose weight. Here are five reasons why and some solutions to address Every dieter has to face this problem: after a week of strenuous efforts, is mounted on the scale to realize that the needle has not budged one iota. Sometimes the reasons are obvious, for example if it was excess at a birthday party or skipped a few workouts, but often we do not know why we did not lose weight. Here are five reasons that might explain this failure.

1. Your weight fluctuates throughout the day

It is normal weight fluctuates more or less a pound in a day. This is the case for everyone, not just dieters. To evaluate the effectiveness of a diet, it is better to measure results over time. It certainly should not discourage you if you have not lost weight, and may have even won over a day or a week. This blip will subside quickly.

To avoid weight fluctuations beyond your control, always weigh yourself at the same time and wear the same clothes. Ideally, you should do it in the morning, before eating and getting dressed.

2. You are retaining water

If your period is approaching or have consumed a savory dinner, you could take a kilo or 500 grams. In both cases, it is water retention. However, this water not eliminated by your body adds to your weight, giving you the feeling that your diet is not very efficient.

To work around the problem, avoid salty foods and take the quantities of liquids (no alcohol though) recommended by the experts, about two liters per day.

3. Your weight has plateaued

Current regime, the weight may reach a plateau and does not change for a few weeks. Even if it is hard on morale, it is quite normal and does not mean that your efforts are useless.

Above all, do not give up! It is a temporary step and not a failure; relax and do not take it to heart too. Try to make some changes to your habits, for example by taking a healthy snack in the middle of the afternoon to avoid having appetite in heels at the end of your workday, or change your program physical exercise to make it a little more.

4. You forgot the extras

When dieting for a while, we easily fall into a certain complacency and relax his vigilance. You may have taken some bad habits: for example, you Spread a thick layer of butter on your toast, snack while you cook or take a dessert every night. However, these little things can provide enough extra calories to help you lose weight.

To help you keep a food diary for a few days, which will help keep you aware of what you eat really. Researchers have shown that dieters who recorded everything they ate significantly increased their chances of success.

5. You are weighing on Monday

Maybe do you normally weigh on Friday or Saturday. But this time, you are mounted on the scales on Monday, the worst day to do it. Most people eat more during the weekend than on weekdays. Moreover, researchers from the School of Medicine Washington University in St. Louis found that dieters lost weight during the week, but not during the weekend.

By planning your meals for the weekend in advance, you will put the odds in your favor and better resist temptation also continue to monitor your portions, especially when you are eating.

5 tips to lose 100 calories at work

 5tips to lose 100 calories at work
Did you know you can lose weight at work? Here are a number of ingenious tricks to help you exercise at work.

Sit on an exercise ball

The exercise balls are really comfortable, even for work at his office. And for the back, a chair is better: the ball helps develop balance and stabilize the core muscles. We have a better posture and silhouette appears thinner.

Keep a dumbbell in the office

Enjoy it when you're on the phone to do bicep curls. In addition to tone your arms, these exercises promote the formation of muscle tissue, the same one that burns calories even when you do nothing. Weights for ankles have exactly the same effect: make leg extensions.

Use your feet

Instead of sending emails to colleagues working in the same building, deliver their message in person. In addition to burning calories, you'll have a good excuse for a quick chit-chat with the new employee accounts receivable.


Above all, do not stop this foot nervous stir! Researchers found that those who have the habit of drumming fingers or blow their knees burn at least 500 calories per day, which equates to a weight loss of half a pound a week.

Walk with others

You probably have colleagues who are trying to lose weight. Send an email to all employees with whom you work to make your intention to set up a walking club. Or, place a message in the company newsletter.

The truth about alcohol and your health...

The truth about alcohol and your health
Conflicting studies abound to determine whether alcohol is good for you. The conclusions that can be drawn.

Alcohol: good or bad?

Studies, and other studies examining very specific aspects of each health problem, and the contradictions that often result can be frustrating. Alcohol consumption is one of those questions. Nearly 80% of Canadians over the age of 15 drink regularly, it is therefore crucial to know where the truth lies. We analyzed the studies and found that there is two sides to every story. But do not worry, we have selected some conclusions for you.

Alcohol and cancer risk

It increases your risk of cancer: In 2009, a study of more than one million women in the United Kingdom found that even low-dose or moderate alcohol consumption increases the risk of cancer. (The guidelines from Health Canada for low-risk possible up to 10 drinks per week for women and no more than two drinks per day). The study, published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute showed that alcohol may be the cause of almost 13% of cancers of the breast, liver, rectum and digestive system. The reason? Scientists from the University of Minnesota found that the decomposition of alcohol from acetaldehyde, which damages DNA and triggers chromosomal abnormalities may lead to the formation of cancerous cells.

It reduces your risk of cancer: red wine contains resveratrol, has long been recognized to reduce inflammation, cholesterol, heart disease, and yes, even some forms of cancer. In 2012, a study by the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, published in the Journal of Women's Health, found that the chemical, which is found in the skin and seeds of red grapes, increases slightly testosterone in premenopausal women and decreases estrogen levels and the risk of developing breast cancer.

Alcohol and your brain

It hurts your brain more alcohol you drink, the more your brain becomes small. The decrease in brain volume, a natural sign of aging, is estimated at 2% per decade, according to Carol Ann Paul of Boston University School of Public Health and lead author of a study published in 2008 in the Archives of Neurology on association of alcohol consumption and brain volume. Paul wanted to know if alcohol can protect against brain shrinkage, but found that the opposite is true. Even moderate consumption has reduced the volume of the brain and is associated with cognitive decline and dementia.

It helps your brain: beneficial effects of alcohol on the brain are a relatively new phenomenon, but the research is progressing well. Contrary to the adage that beer kills brain cells, new research has shown that moderate alcohol consumption leads to better cognitive skills and learning aids memory and more. Moreover, in 2001, a review of over 140 studies showed that a drink a day for women (or two men) reduced their risk of developing Alzheimer's by 23%.

Alcohol and bone

It is bad for your bones: excessive consumption of alcohol, particularly among young women, is linked to the development of osteoporosis, according to the U.S. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. In addition, heavy drinkers are more prone to bone loss and fractures, due to an increased risk of experiencing falls while intoxicated.

It helps your bones because beer contains silicon, it has long been linked to bone health. And more recent studies, such as Oregon State University published in the journal Menopause in 2012, found that moderate amounts of alcohol promote bone health in women and reduces their risk of osteoporosis. Menopausal women who drank one or two glasses a day, several times a week, found a much lower rate of bone turnover, the replacement of old bone with new bone which increases the risk of osteoporosis.

Alcohol and weight

It makes you fat: a 1995 study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that drinking alcohol during a meal increases the abuse of fatty foods. And then said Mavis Jones ECHO: Improving Women's Health in Ontario (a government agency in Ontario), "Alcohol slows down the metabolism, so it is more difficult to maintain a healthy weight."

It helps you stay slim: a 2010 study from Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston followed more than 19,000 women for 13 years. The researchers found an inverse relationship between weight gain and alcohol consumption, despite the extra calories dipped into alcohol. In other words, women who did not drink gained more weight than those who drank a little.

4 natural stimulants to outflank energy...

4 natural stimulants to outflank energy
You feel lazy? There are more effective ways than coffee or chocolate to overcome your fatigue. Instead, try these natural stimulants.

The essence of mint

Put two drops of peppermint oil on a tissue, bring it to your nose and breathe deeply. Or, if you have time, take an invigorating dip after poured into water two drops of peppermint oil and four drops of rosemary oil.


Cut a potato with its skin and soak the slices overnight in a bowl of water. In the morning, eat the soaking water which, in the meantime, will be responsible for potassium, a mineral with a tonic effect. The body needs for the transmission of nerve impulses and the proper functioning of muscles, as well as other vital functions. Some proponents say natural approaches that potassium deficiency is common in people suffering from fatigue.


Spinach is a traditional remedy for relieving fatigue, what the true sailor Popeye was absolutely convinced. You should take every day. This vegetable is rich in potassium as well as in several B vitamins, all of these nutrients play an important role in energy metabolism.


water Drink at least eight glasses of water to be distributed throughout the day. Don't wait until you feel thirsty, the trigger signal is not always reliable. Even mild dehydration can cause fatigue.

3 exercises interval training to lose weight fast...

3 exercises interval training to lose weight fast
Studies have shown that by varying the pace of exercise (interval training) on losing weight faster than always keeping the same pace. Do these exercises and you will lose weight quickly, especially in the legs and abdomen.

the plan

Determine your ppm: count the number of steps you take in 20 seconds and multiply by 3. Repeat your calculations three times and take the average.

Our three exercises interval training are the following rhythms:
Allure base: 100 to 115 ppm (4.5 to 5 km / h)
Moderate pace: 115 to 130 ppm (5 to 6 km / h)
Allure active: 130 to 145 ppm (6-7 km / h)

Do 3 sessions a week by changing pace every time, preferably every other day to allow your body to rest and recover. The other day, walk 30 to 60 minutes to basic look moderate. Take a day off each week. On a treadmill, you can count the kilometers instead of ppm.

Exercise 1: Double set

This exercise is demanding, so you burn a lot of fat, strengthen your heart and improve your form while preserving the energy you need to perform your daily activities. Take 4 minutes at a moderate pace opting preferably for 130 ppm, followed by 2 minutes of looking base. After 5 weeks, go to 6 minutes at a moderate pace and 3 minutes to basic look. Looks like a session of 40 minutes:

Start: heating and basic style
4 min: moderate pace
8 min: allure base
10 min: repeat four times in the fourth in the 10th minute
34 min: recovery at a rate of 115 to 100 gradually decreasing
40 min: end

Exercise 2: Driven 30 seconds

During outbreaks, you walk as quickly as possible, or 130-144 ppm for 30 seconds, then you will take the shape of base for one minute. This type of interval training can burn a lot of calories while increasing endurance. In a short time, so you can increase your pace and burn more calories, even training days of lower intensity. Looks like a session:

Start: heating and basic style
4 min: moderate pace
4 min 30 active appearance
5 min: allure base
6 min: Repeat nine times from 4 min 30 minute 6.
19 min 30 moderate pace
25 min: Repeat ten times from 4 min 30 minute 6.
40 min: recovery at a rate of 115 to 100 gradually decreasing
43 min: end

Exercise 3: Hot-cold

As this training leaves much room for recovery, do not hesitate to use these intervals intense, which will help you raise your anaerobic threshold, that is to say as long as you can hold before needing slow. Start with a minute to look active, then take a minute to look basic. After three weeks, go two minutes to look active and two minutes to basic look. Three weeks later, three minutes to go look active and three minutes to basic look. Looks like a session of 40 minutes:

Start: heating and basic style
5 min: moderate pace
10 min: active pace
11 min: allure base
12 min: Repeat eleven times per minute from 10 to 12
33 min: allure active
35 min: recovery at a rate of 115 to 100 gradually decreasing
40 min: end

4 popular supplements for weight loss..

4 popular supplements for weight loss
If you can not lose weight, certain nutrients can improve your results. Here are 4 supplements to help your efforts to lose weight and feel better in your skinny jeans.


Chromium is a trace mineral that comes in many forms. In supplements, it may be chloride, picolinate or chromium polynicotinate. Chromium helps the body use fat for energy draw and develop muscles. It does not cause dramatic weight loss. Clinical studies have shown that improved control of blood glucose levels in diabetics, and some still in their infancy research suggests that help lose weight. At best, chromium may induce slight weight loss when combined with a sensible diet and exercise.

Multivitamin supplements and minerals contain about 200 micrograms of chromium, in principle sufficient quantity. This dose can be safely 400 mcg (as chromium picolinate) with taking a single supplement.


Psyllium seeds (or ispaghula) are a source of soluble fiber commonly used. According to some studies, the fiber can make losing weight because they help to eat less, indeed, they fill the stomach swelling in water while delaying gastric emptying of the bolus. In addition, psyllium may help prevent the occurrence of gallstones (especially in obese subjects, more exposed to the disease.)

Dosage: Start with a small dose of psyllium 1 to 2 g per meal. You can then gradually increase to 1-3 c. tablespoon (3-10 g) of powder 2 or 3 times a day, taken with at least 250 ml of water or another drink. Do not exceed 25 to 30 g per day.
Give it 1/5


The guggulu resin is thick or the thorny mukul balsam indigenous to India. The resin of this tree is related to the very fragrant myrrh biblical traditionally used for the purpose of purification. The guggulipids stimulate the production of thyroid hormones, it was discovered, thereby accelerating the rate at which the body expends calories. As part of a small experiment, Indian researchers reported that obese patients, the guggulu triggered a significant weight loss. Most of the weight lost was from a lower fat around the abdomen, a phenomenon associated with increased risk of heart disease and diabetes.


5-HTP is short for 5-hydroxytryptophan, a derivative of the amino acid tryptophan, found in high protein foods such as beef, chicken, fish and dairy products. It is also present in the seeds of an African plant called Griffonia simplicifolia from which are made the 5-HTP supplements sold in the United States.

5-HTP seems to promote weight loss and relieve migraines. The study of overweight women showed that those taking 5-HTP ate fewer calories, lose more weight and feel satiated faster than those who received placebo.

Directions for use: For weight loss, take it 30 minutes before meals.

Remember to consult your doctor, your pharmacist or dietitian before taking. Supplements can interact with some common medications.