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What is Bipolar Disorder?

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Bipolar Disorder: An Information Guide

Why bipolar disorder is it considered a "disease" ?

In life there are always ups and downs . It is normal to feel happy , sad or angry . Bipolar disorder, also known as bipolar disorder , is a medical condition, people who are affected , often called manic , have extreme mood swings , which may have nothing to do with the events they have experienced . These mood swings also affect the way a person thinks , behaves and acts.
Bipolar disorder is quite involuntary , and not the result of a "weak" or unstable personality. It is a medical condition that can be treated.

Bipolar disorder is there a common disease ?

You or a being who is dear to you may be suffering from bipolar disorder. You may be isolated with this disease you feel , but you 're not alone. In fact, about one or two percent of adults worldwide suffer. Furthermore , bipolar disorder attacks both men and women.

When life happens bipolar disorder ?

The warning signs of bipolar disorder are detected more often during adolescence and early adulthood. However, the more the person is young when the symptoms begin to manifest more of these symptoms differ from the usual portrait of the disease. They may wrongly attribute to feelings of distress or typical teen rebellion , and that's why sometimes the diagnosis of bipolar disorder is raised until adulthood .

In some women , bipolar disorder occurs during pregnancy or shortly after delivery. There is episodes of mania , or elation after pregnancy in about 0.1 per 100 cases . However, depression is more common. If you or someone close to you felt symptoms of depression after pregnancy and if these symptoms are severe or last longer than two weeks , it is advisable to seek help .


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